Thread: $$Gas$$
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Old 09-27-2006, 02:14 AM
jseal jseal is offline
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I recall reading that the consumers were being prepared/conditioned for $4/gal.

I also recall reading that the recent price drop was due to the September elections. One might wonder how the recent drop in price in Australia might be associated with the September primary elections in the U.S., but that is a separate subject.

I read now that the price will go up by some amount by the end of November. Would that be up from the high prices in May & June (which coincide with the first theory), the prices at the time of the primary elections (second theory), the current prices, or the prices of just before the November general elections? Will there be any impact on the Australian prices?

I wonder if there is no correlation between the price of petrol/gasoline and American elections.
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