Lilith, he is going to be buying a pair of silky panties for himself today at the mall. I will have him wear them tonight when he gives me a full body massage.
Wicked Wanda, too much fun you are having in your life!! Thanks for the hints. I just might see what I can do with some of that.
Salacious, no butt plug to the mall. Let us remember that we will go back to our proper roles on Tuesday and I don't want no pay backs.
I don't have a collar but I do have some novelty tattoos that I plan to put on his arm. One says "Depraved" and the other says, "Slut" I plan to put it on the arm he will be using to pay for the things I want to buy today.
gekkogecko, Great minds!! I have already informed him that we will be making a stop at the sex store. He is curious but hasn't tried to get anything out of me. I am leaning towards a strap-on myself.
This is wayyyyyyyyy too much fun!!
I'm off to have a fun day with my slave. I will report in tonight.