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Old 06-26-2006, 01:57 AM
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lizzardbits lizzardbits is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2004
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"Age ain't nuthin' but a number...." (long post)

Most of us have heard this dandy little old addage, right? Dear friends, I am having a very difficult time with this year's age. As you may recall, in a few days it is my birthday, and I am looking forwards to it like one would look forward to having novocane-free dental work done whilst systematically having all of one's toenails ripped out AT the same time. Even the weather forecast for my area reflects my mood, stormy and overcast. I feel like I should be going to a funeral.

I had a mini-birthday anxiety thing 5 years ago when I knew I only had five years left of being in my twenties, and that I was one quarter of a century. (my younger brother went through the same thing, perhaps this is heriditary???) In a few days, my twenties will be dead, poof, gone, just fading memories.

Good grief! I AM NOT MATURE ENOUGH YET TO BE IN MY 30'S...My brain says that i am still 18...just with the added responsibilities of being a parent chucked in there.

I set great store into birthdays and I think that out of all the days of the year, that one day, the day that you transitioned from the womb to dry land, should be YOUR day, your day to have attention and you be selfish, screw the diet, and if you are of legal age to have a good screw. Birthday should be spelled BirthMEday, in my book. And it MUST be celebrated ON your birth date and not the nearest weekend for convienience. This year, huh uhhh, somebody else can have it. I'll stay 29, thank-you-verra-much.

I was supposed to go on a 6 hour drive to go see, and "mini-vacation" at their home, some really good friends of mine. It has been at tradition that I spend my birthday with them, unless I am working, or, um, out of the country and spending it with Mayhem. Can't happen this year due to several factors. We all are bummed about it. Our little Mini-party before the Fourth of July party and picnic and fireworks.

So this year, I predict that I will get a lovely bunch of flowers and a card from the folks, we will go clean their church like we always do on Thursdays, and go out to eat like we always do on Thursdays. It will be rainy and horrible out so my kids can't play outside, and they'll be rotten little buggers. I will grow porcupine needles out my back, Sabre-tooth fangs, and the disposition of a badger or wolverine--i haven't decided which one yet--don't touch me, don't hug me, don't look at me....and I will cry, and cry most of the day.

I *know* that I am still young yet, but my white hairs both on my head and ...yes, and the newly found white pubic hairs, say that I am not.

So after reading my long winded pity party: (thank you for making it this far)

Did you ever have an unhappy birthday?
Did NOT want to be wished a happy birthday?
A specific age that you didn't want to turn?
Birthday anxiety?
......or am I a complete nutter and just need to be in a padded room?
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