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Old 09-23-2002, 07:20 PM
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jjjjbo jjjjbo is offline
the Lusty Wench
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: sunny california
Posts: 1,113
Ah, I have arrived ... late ... as usual, but the party seems to be in full swing and I gravitate toward where couples are dancing ... I've been looking forward to this party, a chance to get out and let loose a bit, wander toward the bar and grab a 7-up to sip on. I look around and then stop to adjust the top of my "lusty wench" costume, the plunge only barely covers the pink shades of my breasts and if I move too quickly, well there's no telling what will end up showing! It's the very reason I chose this get up ... the black lace up cumberbund pushing my breast up and out.

The costume seemed like a good idea when I made it, but in the middle of so many people, well.... I'm not so sure. I turn and walk right into that dangerous highwayman, try to step back, but his finger has caught in the lacing of my cumberbund and he tugs downward.
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