Thread: Intro yourself
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Old 09-19-2002, 10:56 PM
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GhostCat GhostCat is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: Canada
Posts: 153
Wink That >^,^<

Well, Hello I be that >^,^< I am 35, Single, Living in Western Canada, Self employed, cabinet maker by trade, Never been married. Hobbies include, Rock Climbing, Hang gliding, Scuba diving, Just got into kite boarding this year, Travelled a whole lot, "The only states I have never been to are Hawaii, Main, and the Virgin Islands". I enjoy reading true crime and science fiction books, I also enjoy cook and the finer things in life, Favourite colour is purple. Well, really don't know what else to say about myself, but it was great to read a little about the ones that have posted here. Looking forward to chatting to some of you some time, as I like to meet new people and enjoy chatting as well, so thanx, take care.

To the ones I have meet thanx, "I thank you and you have all made me feel very welcome as well", PixieSpirt, Lilith, SassyRose, Nikki, blondebabe, jjjjbo, Dildo Diva, Legend, Scorp, Fussypucker,

That >^,^< :fly:
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