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Old 09-13-2002, 09:58 AM
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dannyk dannyk is offline
Turning the other cheek!
Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: Trinidad
Posts: 674
Talking What do you do between orgasms?

If you're the average pixies member, then a mind-blowing orgasm is simply a prelude to another one. But how do you spend those precious, albeit brief, moments while you're both.. recovering?

Talking ( about what? ), smoking ( i meant a cig, lilith ), critiquing technique, naming future children, rolling over to sleep, discussing the next position, or even just snuggling and caressing. What do you do? Or what do you wish your partner did ( or didn't ) do?
I wouldn't say that I'm always horny... it may be true, mind you, I just wouldn't say it!

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