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Old 09-11-2002, 09:20 PM
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nitedreamer nitedreamer is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: in my head
Posts: 18
Young David was sitting in class one day when his teacher asked him a question. "If a farmer has 12 cows and shoots 5, how many cows are left?"

David responded, "None, teacher." "No, David, there would be seven." "No mam, if you shoot one cow, all of the other cows get scared away, so you would have none left."

" Well, that's not exactly right, but I like the way you're thinking."

Then David says,"Ok, I have a question for you. Three women are eating pops. One is licking her pop, one is biting it, and the other is sucking it. Which woman is married?"

His teacher replies, " Well, it is the one sucking the pop."

"No, it's the one with a ring on her finger, but I like the way you're thinking!"
more than a handful
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