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Old 04-11-2006, 06:23 AM
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Originally Posted by imaginewithme
Same here.

Is there actually etiquette to lap dancing? I mean, for real????

Are you going to be doing this is a job or just for your s/o? If just for s/o why do you need to know the rights and wrongs? Do whatever comes up and keep it fun I suppose.

I'd say just make it fun!

Apparently there is real etiquette, I will not be doing this for a job as I don't think I'd ever get hired for such an event in real life.

I had talked to my SO about taking a class at one time that taught erotic dance and mediation, but he was disinterested as usual, for some stupid reason I thought the idea of the final "recital" would appeal, but no. So it stays in my dreams file.

The question came to me from a man friend that has seen exotic dancers but not had an actual lap dance and he was wondering if the point was for the lap dancee to "get off" - I personlly didn't know so posed the query here, thinking the answer could be found with wit and wisdom.

You know what? I think I was right.

Variety is the soul of pleasure. ~ Aphra Behn

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