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Old 04-09-2006, 03:13 PM
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Lap Dance Etiquette

I was talking with a friend the other day about lap dancing, as I was looking at taking a class on the subject of erotic dancing where the "final" was a recital of sorts where you bring your SO in for a lap dance. But that's another story.

He asked me what actually happens during a lap dance. So I said I'd have to check into it. I found the information on actual lap dance etiquette, you know...
1. keep your hands to yourself,
2. keep conversation to a minimum,
3. bring a woman with you as it seemingly ensures you a better dance and
4. show the girls the cash.

But his question was more specific. I did find mention where the pole is actually raised but is it customary to ...umm... shall we say euphemistically speaking, to "salute"?

I imagine all rules go out the window for a private dance between SO's.

Any insights Pixies?

Variety is the soul of pleasure. ~ Aphra Behn

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