Thread: Pixies Power
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Old 03-26-2006, 11:48 AM
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IAKaraokeGirl IAKaraokeGirl is offline
~*Geeky Girl*~
Join Date: Jan 2003
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I'm so envious, Lil, of your new purchase! Like maddy, that thing kills me--but I'm determined to build up my stamina on it over time.

I also made a purchase this week--a heart rate monitor. I opted not to get the one with the chest strap--I wasn't sure I'd like that. So mine is a watch type, and, unlike most doctors and nurses, it finds my pulse pretty darn easily. Today was my first intense workout with it, and I loved it. Mine has the option of a 'calorie countdown,' which basically means, since it knows my weight and resting heart rate, it counts how many calories I burn during my workout for me.

I did almost 4.5 miles on the treadmill and seven minutes (LMAO!) on the elliptical after that. I burned closed to 500 calories.

However, my main concern was my after-breakfast glucose reading. I'd had a bigger breakfast than I had planned. While my fasting was in the range I wanted it to be, I basically shoved the kids out the door as soon as I finished eating in order to go to the gym and hopefully counteract what I feared was going to be a bad, bad reading. It worked--much to my relief.

Today's the last day of my three-day, diabetes medication-free trial. I've already listed out my sugar readings since Friday morning and will give them to the doctor in the morning. I guess at that point it's up to them. They're not as low as I'd like, but still pretty darn good for someone who IS diabetic. I have my fingers crossed.

"Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. So love the people who treat you right, forget about the ones who don't, and believe that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, then let it, and if you have to wait for what you really want, take the time because nobody said that life would be easy. They just promised it would be worth it." ~ Unknown author

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