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Old 09-08-2002, 04:14 AM
Eros Eros is offline
Working Stiff
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: about 3 hours south of the Mason-Dixon line
Posts: 3,581
First of all, Lixy babe...this thread was a BRILLIANT idea. Second, BSB thanks for the tat shots. Third Kytty, no reason to be sorry, you say what you think and that's what we love about ya, and it's the truth. Finally I gotta add my two cents. I grew up in rural West there's any other part of Anywhoo, my neighbor that I grew up with and have known for 20 years lives in Manhattan, works IN one of the Trade Center bldgs. I was living with an EX at the time, work up for work that morning..was just out of the shower and drinking my coffee...then I saw the TV. The first plane had just hit, I thought "damn..pilot musta been drunk or something, then the second hit..then the news of the Pentagon..then the news of United #93...I was speechless. See, at the time, I was a supervisor in a reservations office for United. I was not only mad/sad/confused by and for the family's and victims, but also my fellow co-workers. I tried calling my friend in Manhattan for hours on end from asnwer I was scared to death. Later found out she had overslept and was in the shower when it all happened. After it was all said and done, I had lunch with a lawyer friend and found out his now wife was on a business trip up there that day..and has a receipt from a resturant in one of the towers from about 8am that day. Talk about scared to death. He couln't reach her for that entire day. My best friend was stationed in Shreeveport Louisiana that day. It's an Air Force base, and I was scared he would be sent out. I finally got in touch with him that evening and found out he had hurt his back and was on medical leave. My friends all were lucky, there were some who have friends who werent. My heart goes out to ANYONE who knew or loved someone lost in the attacks. My thoughts are with the men and women in Afghanistan and the Middle east. Ok, I've rambled enough for one night. Just had to say something. By the time I finished reading the thread, I was in tears. Thanks again to Lixxy, Scotz, BSB, Dicks and anyone else I missed. Great thread and hope to see more responses!!!!
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