Thread: One Winter
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Old 02-23-2006, 09:12 AM
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Moonshine Moonshine is offline
Married Couple
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Backwoods of Arkansas
Posts: 302
Chapter Two

The snow that had lightly begun to fall the night before had turned the Dawson Ranch into a beautiful winter wonderland. Virginal snow covered everything that Becky could see from her bedroom window. The barn, the yard, the fields, even the tall mountains in the distance was covered in the white blanket. "HHHMMM," she sighed as she looked at the bunkhouse, "He's so close to me and yet, he's so far away." Changing out of yesterday's dress, which she had slept in all night, she choose one that made her green eyes shine. Flipping her long strawberry blonde off her shoulders, she gave herself one last look in the mirror before heading to the kitchen.

"Morning mother," she said as she sat down at the table. "Where's father? He's usually here to eat with us." Irene smiled up at her daughter. "He's already eaten and is now out at the bunkhouse talking with Clint," she answered. Becky's heart skipped a beat at the mention of Clint's name. Her hands trembled as she poured herself a cup of coffee. Irene walked over to her daughter and placed her arm around Becky's shoulder. "When are you going to talk to him," Irene asked. "Who," Becky answered, trying to pretend she didn't have a clue as to who her mother meant. "You know who I'm talking about, Becky," her mother said smiling. "Oh... him," Becky said looking down at her cup. "I don't know if I can or not. What if we start fighting again before I have chance to tell him?" "Then tell him before you start fighting," her mother said.

After breakfast, Becky went out to the barn and saddled her new horse. "A nice ride in the fresh winter air will do me some good," Becky thought. Just as she was ready to leave, Clint came into the barn. "Where are you going," he politely asked. She started to snap back at him that it was none of his business, but thought better of it. The tone of his voice when he asked was not rude and demanding like usual, but kind and tender.

The words that her mother had spoke last night came to her mind. She looked down at the reins in her hands as she spoke. "I thought I might go for a ride," she answered, her head still down. "Now," she said to herself, "tell him how you feel now." Before she could speak, Clint replied, "I'm about to check the herd for any lost or hurt. The first snow usually kills some of the weaker ones due to it's slipperyness. Others are lost to hungry predators unable to find food." Raising her chin with his hand he asked, "Would you... like to ride with me?" Becky could feel herself blush as she softly answered, "Yes. Yes, I would." Becky saw the sparkle in Clint's brown eyes as a wide smile spread across his face. "I'll tell him out there," she thought.

Clint couldn't help but notice the sparkle in Becky's green eyes as she answered him. He had also notice that she didn't snap at him like she usually did, but smiled a pleasant smile. "She even more beautiful when she's not yelling at me," he thought to himself. He watched her as she swung herself onto the horse. Noticing that her legs would be unprotected from the wind, he grabbed a couple of quilts from the hunkhouse and carefully laid them around her waist and legs. "There," he said, "that will keep the cold wind off those beautiful legs." "Thank you," she blushed at his compliment.

James Dawson entered the barn just as Clint mounted his own horse. He couldn't keep from smiling at the two of them. "While you're out checking the herd," he said, "would you please go by the old homestead and check on it? Let me know if it looks like it will need any repairs. Even though Irene and I don't live their anymore, it was our first home and Becky's birthplace." "Sure thing, sir," Clint replied.

James walked with them out of the barn. Smiling at Becky he asked, "And just where are you going young lady?" Smiling back at her father she replied, "I was headed out to take a ride of my own when Clint asked if I'd like to check the herd with him. I just couldn't turn him down, now could I. After all, didn't you and mother raise me better than that?" James smiled back at her. Turning his attention back to Clint he said, "Also check the supplies inside the old house. There should be enough to last for nearly a week if a person, or two, should happen to be stranded out there." He then turned his attention towards the sky before continuing. "From the looks of the sky, it just might start up again." Looking back at his daughter and Clint he finished by saying, "If you should run into bad weather, take her back there if it's closer. I'd rather you two be alone there together than trying to make it back here." Once out of hearing range, Clint said, "If I didn't know better, I'd think that he was hinting that he didn't want us to return." "I too got the same feeling from him," Becky said blushing.
It's only funny until someone gets hurt, then it's hilarious!
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