Thread: Nicknames
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Old 02-09-2006, 04:50 PM
1nutworld 1nutworld is offline
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Ok..I was debating about adding this, but some of you have been open about family nicknames and such.

Back oh 2 or 3 years ago, when I was in HS, I was a trumpet player in the Jazz band, and we had a drummer who was..well let's see, Laid back would have been a polite way of describing his demeanor. Anyway, we were playing this song which was very up-tempo and wild, and he had a drum solo that he did that just NEVER fit the style of the song. One day our Band director told him to "go nuts and hit the drums like ANIMAL of the Muppet Show would". He didnt like that nickname but the rest of the band also got Muppet nicknames applied to them...I became Scooter.

That was one reason why it struck me as odd that Gary from work called me that. He was not familiar with my old nick. As it turns out he has a brother named Scott whom he also called "Scooter", like he does me
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