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Old 01-12-2006, 02:25 AM
fzzy fzzy is offline
Learning to talk sexy
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 3,264
Well, I'd say that if you're a typical college student, you probably don't have to worry about someone plotting to set you up, cause for most college students, they don't have enough money to get through the month, let alone enough for someone to plot to try to take it away from you ...

The other thing I'd point out is that if you are all freaked out about this ... or anything else .... it will show through as you approach others when you are trying to meet people. I think that for the most part, unless someone is feeling threatened by you, you shouldn't worry about it, it will only add stress to the situation. Then maybe to increase your chances of getting to know someone, go to the places where people go on your campus to meet people ... When I was in college, I was totally clueless, it was years later that a friend told me that girls and guys that wanted to meet someone for dating relationships .... kind of just all "ended up" on a particular floor of the library ... I think she said in her case, it was the 3rd floor ... there are women who would love to meet a nice and caring guy .... women who would love to hook up with a "bad boy" too, you just have to learn where they go to meet the type of guy they are looking for and if you fit the bill, go to that place. Sorry, I know it sounds simplistic, but at your age, there are a lot of people looking for someone to be with, best of luck in your search!
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