Thread: Forever Young?
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Old 01-10-2006, 12:55 PM
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Forever Young?

Last night, I was pretty tired when I went to bed. I know, big suprise. I was out late and came home to eat fettucini alfredo. So anyway, I went to sleep with a tummy filled with comfort food and slept great.

Having just stripped the bed and putting the new sheets on, I was obviously going to bed naked.'s what we do. ha ha

So anyway, I quickly fell asleep while luxuriating in the softness of the sheets and had a pretty wild dream. I woke up at 6:05.....with spoo all over the place! Yes, I had a wet dream.

So while bringing our brand new sheets down to the washer like a damn teenager, I can't help but wonder if anyone else is still having them. I mean, damn...I'm darn near 38 years old! Shouldn't I have gotten past this?
Though I am different from you,
We were born involved in one another.

For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul.

Complete surrender should not just come at moments in which one faces overwhelming odds, but in the calm when it seems one is personally in complete control of one's life.
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