Thread: After sex moods
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Old 12-30-2005, 07:47 AM
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Loulabelle Loulabelle is offline
Mrs FussyPucker
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What kind of things does he say when he's complaining about sex looloo? If he's giving you constructive criticism then you need to listen to it.....I can't possibly imagine what it is that he says.

As for staying up until the wee small hours and then coming to bed and wanting sex....that's just not on. I'd never ever ever ever put up with being treated like that. If he wants sex on demand without any effort, I'd be advising him to go visit the local hooker and then not to bother coming back!

I'd also point out to him that he's always in a bad mood after sex, and tell him for that reason it's not on the menu anymore.

Can't believe you'd let anyone treat you that way deserve so much better.
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