12-23-2005, 12:16 AM
Pixies Roving Ranger
Join Date: May 2003
Location: The Eye of Hell.
Posts: 460
i hate to be a complete asshole. But personally i think every woman i've ever met has lied about the number of men they have been with.. And im no different. believe me there's a few i'm not proud of.. Definately. But at least I have the presence of mind to know what i've done and not be a ashamed. pr abashed to tell if im asked.. And I don't think a woman should be either. I mean for fuck sake. if anything in the least you'll get called a whore. and if a guy does that.. well apparently he's not worth your time..
Somethings i swear.. kinda like a DUH moment
Fantasy is only as as fake as your body wants it to be.