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Old 08-16-2002, 11:36 AM
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Kenshin---I would say to just let orgasm happen and recover naturally.When I was in my teens&early 20s;I masturbated;a few
times;a day.I was brought up;in a strict Catholic household.I was
told;over&over;that spilling your seed;was a sin.I wasn't about to
give up;a practice;that was so enjoyable.I used to squeeze; my penis;at the point of orgasm;thinking that;I wouldn't spill my seed
(foolish youthful thoughts)Over the years;this worked on my penis;like isometrics would on any other muscle!My penis;is very
thick(wide)now;but thinking back;it isn't worth;the damage;that I
was lucky enough;not to incur.As far as I know;there is no medication;proven;to increase your stamina.Teasing;but;not quite orgasming;is pleasant;and;take it from me;artificial means
are not worth;the possible consequence! Irish
Irish---Better to be dead & cool,then alive & uncool!
(Harley Davidson & the Marlboro Man)
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