10-26-2005, 11:09 AM
ThePower of Chinese Woman
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 985
you guys gave me a lot of wonderful information. I keep heard a lot of negative things about after birth. It kind of scares me a bit. We have some plan and we talk about all these things. my husband told me, may be we should wait for a few months, he said he doesn't want to hurt me or something. I told him what if he couln't wait. he said he must be very busy with the kid and working. we just talk and talk about this subject, kind of scare us a bit.
In other countries like Far East Asia women are still held in LOWER esteem BUT in China, it’s a different story. Chinese women are much more aggressive and outspoken and held in Higher esteem.” I love Communist that provides males and females Equality and WOMEN’S Rights in China.