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Old 10-11-2005, 06:42 PM
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LixyChick LixyChick is offline
Everybody Stretch!
Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: Pa. USA
Posts: 11,637
Been thinking about this thread all day! I knew there'd be the ones who would be offended by being told not to come in! I KNEW some would say it's wrong to start this thread! I knew it...and I am not disappointed!

Those who feel excluded? WELCUM TO OUR WORLD!

It sucks...don't it? You have no rights or a right to make an opinion! Do you feel a bit shunned? Good! I feel that every day of my life! Does it make you angry that we "took over" and you had no say in it? GOOD! I feel that way everyday!

That said...I'll add my disclaimer here. I love everyone here at Pixies! I've never wanted to shun or deviate from this thread or any other thread I started or replied in. It's just the nature of the beast! Smoking sparks segregation. I didn't spark it...I just follow the rules!

Here's my story Fats Man (<---An excerpt from the movie Weird Science)...

I was a six year old child...yes, I said six! I saw Daddy and Mommy smoking and I wanted to mimick them. I picked up their butts from the ashtray and went into the woods with my tiny friends. We all lit up. Coughed our fucking brains out and two of my friends puked. I wish (now) that I had puked. I wanted to...but held back so I could get this thing down to a science. I was six...remember?

I sucked at doing this grown-up thing...but I was determined! It wasn't till I was seven years old till I could inhale and let it out without having the "pukey feeling". Dad and Mom smoked Pall MallŽ...a filterless it was that much more tough to get the hang of it. Anyone know me as a quitter? I never quit trying till I got it...then I was the coolest of the bunch!

Cigarettes cost about $.35 around then...and I could make that and more in allowance (Dad still lived with us and we still got an allowance back then). Kids could buy cigs with no questions who cared? I was seven years old and I started inhaling. Haven't stopped but for the two months I mentioned in another thread! I am fourty seven now. Do the math!

I've quit crank (meth)! Did it intraveneously for nearly a year (coulda been longer...days blended together)...and quit it...cold outside help...NEVER to do it again! I smoked pot. Can go years without it (though I puff every now and then...ain't opposed to it...never felt addicted to it)! I did "free" coke...cause the guys I knew thought I looked like I needed a line...and quit looking back! The worst thing to quit for me was the crank. It was truely an addiction...though I didn't now it till I tried to get away. But I did it...and I can't stand it now. Mr. Lixy had a prescription anti-allergy med called FlonaseŽ <sp?> and it smelled like he just snorted a line of crank and I nearly puked when kissing him (his nasal passages were filled with it and he was crank like). Needless to say...he went back to O.T.C. meds so we could kiss without me running for the!

I watched my brother "nod and puke" from heroin and still want more when he came down...but I never tried it because I HATED my artistic and intelligent brother go from that to a slug in a flash of my eye! I had the warning!

I NEVER had the warning when I tried to mimick my Dad and Mom!

I know the warnings NOW...but I was seven years old for shitthefuckhells sake...when I started this addiction!

Oh Gawd! Get me off this fucking soapbox!

*jumps down to light a smoke*
Minds are like parachutes. They only work when they are open.

~Thomas Dewar~
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