10-11-2005, 07:23 AM
Missing the Angels
Join Date: May 2004
Location: South Dakota
Posts: 10,793
My parents both smoked when I was young and one day my mom up and quit. I can't remember why she quit but she never went back. My dad on the other hand started when he was young I think 12 but can't rememeber. Back in "91" my father passed away from throat cancer, the smoking had caught up to him, he was 77.
As for me, well I tried a cig in high school once but did'nt care for it so never started at that time. It tool several years for me to start. I was managing a convenience store at age 27 and got stressed out so turned to those pretty colorfull foil packs. Somedays I think about it and can't beleive it's been 12 years already, don't seem like it. I did quit when I was pregnant, but could'nt wait until I could smoke again.
I have respect for non-smokers and someday I will quit. Congrats to those of you that have quit!! Yes I know smoking is bad for me.....but so are alot of other things. I may have not been smoking for 20 years or more but I posted to this thread anyway!!! /me sticks my tongue out at PF!!!
Hi...my name is sdls and I smoke.