I started at 16 with a girl friend because we thought we were so cool of course. That was 23 years ago and I smoked everyday until three weeks ago. I even smoked while pregnant. Lived with my parents at the time and would run in my room and take a drag or two and put it out real fast so no one would catch me. One of my shining memories. rolleyes2
I have an addictive personality. Cigarettes, drugs, food, have all been a monkey on my back that I have been trying to get off for years and years. Got the drug thing taken care of a long time ago. Working on the weight *down 40 lbs in almost 6 months* and am now becoming a non smoker.
It’s so damn hard! That first week I was so sick. I swear I had every withdrawal symptom there is. Having hubby still smoke and seeing them in ashtrays and the packs on the counter have been a huge temptation. Yeah I have picked them up, I have even lit them and taken a drag or two and then put them out real fast.
I worry everyday that I will fail and start back up again. I do have some really big motivation going on in my life that I pray keeps me from caving in. I have to be a non smoker now and I’m certainly going to give it all I got.
Thanks PF for this thread

It is almost impossible for non smokers to understand this struggle. I wish you would all lay them down and stop. But, I certainly am not going to throw stones if you don’t. I’m too damn busy keeping my hands off them myself to worry about anyone else at the moment.