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Old 08-09-2002, 05:03 AM
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Casperr Casperr is offline
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Welcome to Pixies Gheldon!
Interesting post.... not sure how to respond to it. WHY did you sleep with her best friends?? I think it's important for guys to remember that just because you CAN have sex with someone, doesn't mean you ought to...
And, at the same time - it's been 2 months since you broke up with your g/f - you are allowed some freedom to sleep with other people. But I think you realise that her two best friends probably weren't the best choice to exercise that freedom with!!
Can I ask why you two broke up? Did she call it off or you?

In terms of advice, well all I can really say is don't do it again!!!! You'll have to see how you can patch things up with your friends and her friends.... not sure how. Your best friends though, would stick by you anyway I'm sure.

Sorry this isn't much help Gheldon! Good luck and let us know how things go!

Welcome again to Pixies,
You know, Blackadder, for me socks are like sex. Tons of it about and I never seem to get any.
-- Prince George

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