09-17-2005, 12:26 AM
Sweet Southern Girl
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Southern US
Posts: 772
a perverted little survey
*have you ever had sex? yea
*how old were you when you lost your virginity? 15
*was it good? I thought so at the time, until I got a lil older and had great sex, not I just think it was ok
*best place to have sex: I think anyplace when you just have to have the person right there, can't wait to get to the bed
*sexual fantasies? I've always had this thing about having sex out in the rain
*whats the kinkiest thing youve ever done? it's only kinky the first time, lol... i've tried so much it all just seems "normal" to me
*most embarrassing thing youve said during sex? wrong name, think that was in a thread a lil while ago
*how many people have you had sex with? More than 5 (i'm not changin this answer, hehe)
*gay straight or bi? Straight
*ever do anything with a member of the same sex? Nope.
*one place you want to have sex? i want it on the beach, i think that'd be so hot that it'd be worth getting sand in weird places
*how long does it take for you to climax? not very long (if the guy isn't getting the right places I'll help him out some)
*ever had a friend with benefits? once
*do you have a bf/gf? na
*are they any good in bed? I'm great!! hehe
*favorite position? doggy style
*how far would you go on a first date? definately don't have sex on the first date
*what do you think about one night stands? No
*have you ever videotaped yourself having sex? yea
*would you? it just depends on the guy, i wouldn't with just anyone