08-04-2002, 01:18 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 29
Hi. I'm a newbie as you can see. If I'm allowed to ask a question on this, is it possible that the g/f may be experiencing a moment where she realized that men aren't the disgusting creatures she thought they were? Since I'm not a female I can only understand as much about women as I possible could. So it fascinates me to read(wherever possible) about what drives a woman to go to a guy or another woman. Perhaps she formed her original opinions on men based on her past experiences with them. Then she went to you as a means of comfort and support and thought she could get rid of them altogether. But she's realizing that it's too difficult for her to do that and that's why she's uncommital(sp?).
Am I close in my assessment of her?
One of the last generation of real males left
What the heck is a slute?