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Lilith 10-04-2002 06:58 AM

{{{Sloppy Sex}}}
Just wondering.............is sex better when it's sloppy and juicy, slurpy and a bit unkempt.....

or is it better if it is neat and clean and more orderly????

Sharni 10-04-2002 07:08 AM

A bit of both here....depends if i'm going out afterwards too ;)

scotzoidman 10-04-2002 08:33 AM

Neat clean & orderly? How do you do that? Sex is only nasty if you're doing it right ;)

dannyk 10-04-2002 08:34 AM

'Unkempt' sounds like a scary word.
I think if it's too clean, it seems... lacking something. Besides a shared shower afterwards tends to signify the next round. :p

Lovediva 10-04-2002 09:02 AM

The way I see it...when your clean...you can have the long love making sessions...the foreplay...the whole "Enchillada!!!;) :D

And when it's dirty...that's the ones that are more animal like..You know the kind...pump real hard.....grab her hair..and fuck her/him silly!! :D....and you basically do it just to get-off on one another...Don't you just love wild, raw quickie sex!!! ;) :D :D

SO....Anytime is great for sex!!!:D
Whenever the mood hits...you should have some!! :D

skipthisone 10-04-2002 09:32 AM

thats why you do it at least twice, best of both

xanne 10-04-2002 11:29 AM

Originally posted by skipthisone
thats why you do it at least twice, best of both

Couldn't agree more Skip!! :D:D

PantyFanatic 10-04-2002 01:21 PM

YES! exactly (only reversed)
.....better if it is neat and clean and more orderly
.....is sex better when it's sloppy and juicy, slurpy.....


Glyndwr 10-04-2002 05:46 PM

Definitely hot, sweaty and sticky.
Then it's time for a shower afterwards

LixyChick 10-06-2002 01:21 AM

Down and Dirty..........Sleezy and sexy...........Wet and Wild!!!

Did I mention wet??????

quisath 10-09-2002 10:47 PM

Okay..............me thinks WET and JUICEY is the only way to go. Then you know it was well worth it. And then there's the joy of slurping later. :)

dohrt 10-10-2002 05:37 PM

I like it when you get a waterproof mattress cover and get a new 32oz thing of lube and use it all up (cause butts need lube too) and the woman is soaking so much that she runs out of juice (can happen after 45 min or so of hardcore arousal with some women, I've found, though I'm not super experienced), and you slobber all over each other doing oral and smear it on your faces and kiss and share the juices and taste of sex and sweat. OHHHHH man. The thought of that turns me on. Maybe after the woman just was out jogging and came in all sweaty and before she made it to the shower, I pulled her to the bed with the lube and we just go nuts . . . . oh yea.

Reesa 10-10-2002 06:34 PM

sloppy, messy, juicy, sweaty ... just the way I like it; and I like sleeping in the wet spots!

KingMinotaur 10-10-2002 08:39 PM

I think that if you overly concern yourself about keeping the whole thing too neat and tidy , that you detract from the true emotional out-pouring that can only be expressed through the extremely physical action of making love .
I'm not saying you can't be relatively neat about things , but it shouldn't ever be anything to get overly concerned about either . If , howeevr , getting too wild and animalistic would make foe a problem insofar as trying to keep your place in one piece , there is always this : go to a motel , and get a room ! 8O)

vampeyes 10-10-2002 09:09 PM

I think its just good either way you look at it !!!!!!!!! :D

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