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RandyGal 09-24-2002 11:25 PM

Deep Dark Secrets
Nooooo this isn't another nipple thread.

Well, it COULD be depending on if any of our pierced members post. :D

Deep dark secrets...do you have any that you don't mind Pixies knowing about?
Is there anything about you that not many and maybe nobody knows?

OK. I'll go first.

I have MS. Nothing much troubles me with it so I don't talk about it much. :D


theICEmancumeth 09-24-2002 11:29 PM

If I told you it wouldnt be a secret now would it? :)

RandyGal 09-24-2002 11:34 PM

Maybe I need to retitle the thread......

Deep Dark Secrets EXPOSED! LOL

theICEmancumeth 09-24-2002 11:48 PM

LOL, that works!

Ok....this ought to be easy for me, because not many here know a whole lot about me :D

Sooooo here goes...I wish I had about 2 more inches :o

RandyGal 09-25-2002 12:01 AM

:eek: :whiteghos

THAT was personal!

LOL And thanks for sharing! :D

Guys always want to be bigger don't they? Silly guys.

Sugarsprinkles 09-25-2002 12:05 AM

Originally posted by RandyGal
:eek: :whiteghos

Guys always want to be bigger don't they? Silly guys.

Geez, RG, must you always think that way???? Maybe he just wants to be TALLER!!! Didja ever think of that??? LOL:D

jjjjbo 09-25-2002 12:06 AM

What's that old quote .... You're only as sick as the secrets you keep.

I've long since stopped keeping this secret, but still like many personal things .... you don't usually bring things up in the first conversation, so not many on the site know this about me .... I grew up with an alcoholic parent ... in my early 20's I learned how to be open with this and discovered that I was not isolated in this .... once you realize you are not alone ... funny how much easier it is to heal ..... sorry to go to the really serious side .... but RG - thanks, every time I simply make the statement it seems it provides me an opportunity to talk with others who in many cases have never been able to tell that secret about their life before .....

on the less serious side .... I'm a pixie peruser! lol jjjjbo

theICEmancumeth 09-25-2002 12:18 AM

Originally posted by Sugarsprinkles

Geez, RG, must you always think that way???? Maybe he just wants to be TALLER!!! Didja ever think of that??? LOL:D

Well I wouldn't mind being 2 inches taller either :p

Sugarsprinkles 09-25-2002 01:27 AM

Originally posted by theICEmancumeth

Well I wouldn't mind being 2 inches taller either :p

Yeah, me too!! This being only 5' tall can really suck sometimes!!:D ;) :D

Oldfart 09-25-2002 05:09 AM


biggun 09-25-2002 01:54 PM

That is too funny...I believe 5' would be perfect for that!

Thinker 09-25-2002 04:55 PM

Well here is my secrets, (kinda). Not only am I a virgin, I have never had a Girlfriend and have never been kissed. :eek: Also I have a strage desiese called "Granuloma of the Nasal Septum" Cause unkown. Simply put this mean I have a hole in my nasal septum (the thing that seperates your norstrals) that was caused by a nasty things called Granuloma. Granuloma is normally a side effect of a desiese, but in my case they were never able to track down how I got it and they suspect that it happens to be random. And no it ain't catchy, isn't disfiguering, and in my case it isn't fatal, (so far).

Lilith 09-25-2002 09:37 PM

I'm really a man! shhhhhh don't tell:p:p:p:p

dannyk 09-25-2002 10:27 PM

okay don't take this the wrong way, but i'm very sensitive about my figure! so much so, i'm practically feminine about it! you know, looking at myself in the mirror, going "does this make me look fat?" no, please, don't stare!

Ironwood 09-26-2002 12:25 AM

I thought this thread would be spicier.

I'm not proud of the time I had sex with a young woman in the afternoon, and when she went home for dinner with her parents, had her friend over for more of the same. Of course they found out when they talked about what they did over the weekend.

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