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dogmajay 05-27-2002 08:47 AM

taste of cum
My girlfriend recentally started going down on me a lot more, but i don't think she likes teh taste. I've only cummed once from it, but I'm told you can change the taste by changing your diet?, I this true, and if so, how long does it take to affect? what kind of foods should I eat etc? thanks.

JadeFire1260 06-12-2002 11:41 PM

I love the taste of my b/f! His tastes sweet. He eats a healthy diet like fruits and drinks milk and water (soft drinks tend to make it bitter tasting as well as beer will) some girls cant stand the taste no matter what so it might not have anything to do with your diet. You either like the taste or you dont. If she cant take it then have her finish you with her hand if you like th oral stuff. Good luck!

Casperr 06-13-2002 06:11 AM

AVOID COFFEE!!! Apparently it's the worst thing you can have!

Pussy Willow 11-23-2002 05:30 PM

I love the taste of hubby's cum. I took a long time for me to let
him cum in my mouth, but now I don't want to miss a single sweet drop of that lucious liquid.

Peacelul 12-19-2002 09:04 AM

Friends of mine say cinnamon and/or bananas change the taste but you have to eat a lot of them. I am gonna try as soon as feel better.

katekate42 12-19-2002 02:26 PM

I've heard that a guy can by changing his diet, but I've heard that meat and dairy products (as well as asparagus) will make the taste worse. I'm not sure how much of it is really true and how much is myth, but if she doesn't like the taste at first, perhaps it will grow on her-- cum, as well as other stuff in life, seemed to me just to be an acquired taste.

A.K.'s Sex-Pot 12-19-2002 03:45 PM

I've also heard that Cinnamon can improve the taste and that in general, avoiding foods with rich spicy flavours and chilli can help, but who on earth wants to do that?!

I think KateKate42 is right about it being an acquired taste and I'd say the best way for her to acquire it is to make sure she doesn't feel pressured to have it in her mouth if she doesn't want it. And also, show her that you don't find it distasteful either. If she has taken it in her mouth, don't shy away from kissing her afterwards otherwise you're sending her a message which says you want her to do something you wouldn't do yourself. That's not what sex is about and it'll put her off even more, I'd have thought.

Just remember that it won't happen overnight. Give her time and I'm sure she'll learn to love it. After all, who liked alcohol the first time they tasted it? ;)

Omniblade 12-23-2002 12:02 AM

lol ya know I have the exact opposite problem, I have alot of trouble cumming while I'm with my girlfriend, note that I don't mean getting it up or anything like that lol thats not a problem it just seems like it's really hard for me to cum when I'm with someone else

of course I am a virgin so maybe it's just nervousness or something who knows

I'm starting to think it's a mental thing, that I worry to much about it or that I'm taking to long or something

toobiggalo 12-29-2002 09:25 PM

omni. i have had and still that problem. i believe it is a mental problem. i have only had one girl get me off orally. my g-f and i now will go at it at the same time to reach that effect. ex. i masturbate while she licks my balls, tends to help. i have also got a piercing right below the head on underside in the sensitive skin that helps the pleasure for me alot also. but try having her lick your balls and you masturbate and just relax when she gives you head

Omniblade 12-30-2002 01:42 AM

actually we have done that and it was really good she enjoyed it so it was all good

thanx for the suggestion though it really helps , lol I think I"m a youngin on these boards acctuallly considering I'm only 19 so I still gots plenty of time ahead of me to get used to everything lol

don73153 12-30-2002 08:18 AM

I recently was seeing a woman that loved to swallow every drop. She said mine was sweet, and I drink lots of coffee, but I shy away from lots of red meat. Not all, just most. And AK's Sexpot is right about the kissing, there's something VERY naughty about it being in a mouth in the first place, but to SHARE it, that trips her trigger! Erotic and sensual...........

Read my signature, something VERY erotic about the 'love liquid', everybody loves it.


Brunettesgirl 12-30-2002 07:31 PM

Hubby and I have tested this for awhile now, we find that if he eats salad (lettece) he tastes really sweet. Naturally its his goal to taste good so wifely will be more inclined to get on bended knee! Not that I mind of course, lol.

airhog 01-02-2003 03:00 AM

my gf hates the taste but know how much i enjoy it. she gives me head on one condition, that I tell her when im about to cum. She then stops sucking and finishes me off with her hand. I dont mind one bit!

Titfucker 01-08-2003 02:21 AM

I'm a guy, and I actually don't think cum tastes that bad (my own, I've never had a gay experience).

celticangel 01-09-2003 06:11 AM

new to this!-----just a pity it doesn't come in chocolate-----but my man tastes sweet to me!

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