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RandyGal 05-11-2002 12:03 AM

How many windows?
How many windows do you have open right now?

I seem to be on a surfing mania tonite and I've got 9 open! I'm surprised my computer hasn't shut down on me...

Lilith 05-11-2002 12:56 AM


PantyFanatic 05-11-2002 12:59 AM

It’s too cold. May rain by morning,... if it doesn’t snow. Lot of wind too!

jnd_lady 05-11-2002 01:00 AM

i have 11 open at the moment

pje 05-11-2002 02:16 AM

i average about 4-12 but right now its just 2

Grumble 05-11-2002 02:19 AM

I hate too much stuff on the computer at the same time
I have usually a couple of chat windows and a web site window, usually Pixies or Literotica open

axe31 05-11-2002 03:39 AM

usaly one but if i am readeng a story
open a few to save time

Nubian 05-11-2002 08:37 AM

Usually 2 when I trolling Pixies, 10 when I'm hacking Linux.

BamaKyttn 05-13-2002 02:22 AM


souls_cry2000 05-13-2002 02:46 AM

About 7 or 8 but I think I should close some before the comp blows up. I definitely don't need another trip to the repair shop.

Lovediva 05-13-2002 08:39 AM

My computer has windows??????
Damn wish somebody would have told me that when I bought it....I sure could use a breeze right about now!!!! :D :D :D ;) ;) :p :p

GermanSteve 05-13-2002 01:51 PM

21 and the one to the balcony. And it still works!

Irish 05-13-2002 01:56 PM

Pantyfanatic---You're about as computer knowledgeable as I am.
When;I read this thread;the first thing that I thought was;Why;
would;I have the windows open?It's raining out!
I didn't realise that they were talkng about computer windows;
until;I read further into the thread.It shows the generational difference of;growing up with computers and just getting acquainted;with them.Hell;we didn't even have a TV until I was
about 10.Then we got my aunt&uncles old B&W;when they got a new one. Irish

Steph 05-13-2002 06:15 PM

I just do one at a time, both with this POS at home and my fast momma at work.

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