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icecreamthighs 04-18-2002 02:18 PM

the nicest way to be woken...
I've had such a lovely time but i must go to bed, however all this flirting has made me feel.......mmmmmmm

My man is asleep upstairs, any ideas on how to wake him nicely and get him in the mood?

souls_cry2000 04-18-2002 03:03 PM

If he's a heavy sleeper I suggest tying him to the bed. Wrap a silk scarf around the shaft of his cock (kinda like a make-shift cock ring) don't forget the bow. Then attempt to suck his balls out through his shaft. His eyes should open quickly. When they open and see you, in that instant pounce on his cock and impale yourself. Work him real good but don't let him cum. Do this for quite some time. When you fell he can stand it work it faster and pull the scarf untying it. This should put you both out afterwards.

If it works and you like it name it after me. :D


Bilbo 04-18-2002 03:15 PM

A very hot mouth just hovering about the penis, so he'll wake to the warmth of your desire


Where's sharni?

scotzoidman 04-18-2002 11:29 PM

I concur, my favorite way to be awakened... too bad it's only happened once...

Oldfart 04-19-2002 09:03 AM


See how much you can do without waking him.

It's called finesse!

samie 04-19-2002 08:22 PM

well if you do it real gently he will start having a sex dream.......but if he grabs your head when he is ready to cum and yells out a name dont get pissed.....you gave him this dream......*grins* i have done this and i know....

icecreamthighs 04-20-2002 07:00 AM


I had logged off before i could use all this great stuff, but funny you should mention it - my mouth, his cock is just where i started!!

souls, i shall definitely be trying your suggestion and then you shall be imortalised in our future joint orgasms...mmmm :D

danziggy 04-20-2002 08:13 AM

i have to say it was very good being woken by my cock being sucked.

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