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roomie 02-18-2002 10:16 AM

Got Milk!!
Well, I have recently discovered that I have a huge fetish for breast milk. I was wondering if anyone else has ever gone through this fetish stage, either as a man who could not get enough milk into his mouth or squirted all over him while in the midst of a hot night of sex, or if any of the ladies out here have ever had milk from their own breast or those of another woman? I know it must sound strange....but if any of you ladies need some help with your milk, I am ready and willing!! Of course pictures would be great but I don't think I will be seeing any posts.

legend 02-18-2002 10:42 AM

i really liked breast milk.....as a newborn baby :)

Fang 02-18-2002 10:47 AM

You know, my wife recently gave birth to our first son, and before she got pregnant, I never thought a thing about breast milk... Now I get incredibly hot when I think about drinking from her taps or seeing it dribble off her nipples. I submitted a story to Pixies a couple of weeks ago with that fantasy as the crux of the story. Hopefully they will post it soon.

I love the thought of milk dripping from two big round titties...

Nubian 02-18-2002 02:16 PM

Ah, now you're bringing back fond memories of my wife's two pregnancies. I shall say no more. :D :D :p

scotzoidman 02-19-2002 01:31 AM

I never got the nerve up to try a taste, but I do have the distinct memory of when she nursed our 1st son, her milk smelled like the icing you put on cinnimon rolls... maybe I didn't want to deal with the dissapointment if it didn't taste as good as it smelled...:(

naughtyangel 02-19-2002 08:19 PM

Hmmm.....hubby and I haven't discussed this little quirk of pregnancy as of yet. Not quite sure what fun and strange things might arise :rolleyes:

roomie 02-20-2002 08:28 AM

Morning Fun!!
Well, this morning is starting off on the right foot. I woke up and there was my wife, with fully engorged breasts!! Waking up to a face wash of breast milk and the sweet taste has to one of those things taht yu never want to stop. She actually said that she hoped she could breast feed for awhile, the longer the better if you ask me!!

naughty....I suggest that you play alittle with your hubby on this one, quite exciting!!

fang....I will be looking for that story!

Fang 02-20-2002 12:54 PM

As far as my wife was concerned, there was no disappointment. It tasted incredibly sweet! You know how the milk after a bowl of sugary cereal tastes? It's similar. Yummm-mmmy!

Irish 02-20-2002 01:11 PM

I slightly remember tasting breast milk when my wife was pregnant with our daughters.It was by accident when we were
having sex and she was pregnant.If I remember right;it was a
slightly bitter taste.Not sure! Irish

Nubian 02-20-2002 04:15 PM

It is, and somewhat of an acquired taste; but you get used to it. I know I did. :D :D

vgavoy 03-01-2002 04:20 PM

Fond Memories
I always looked forward to "draining" my wife when she was too full. During the night feedings, the babies would fall asleep before she was finished. My youngest is now a senior in High School... (sigh)

The HiRes Voyeur :yellghst:

triple hot x 03-01-2002 05:40 PM

Very intereting, will be looking forward to this phenomenon when the situation and availability arises!!!!!! Things that make ya go HMMMMMMMMM!!!!!

Summer 11-14-2002 11:07 AM

I know personally for me it was a huge turn on to have my husband sucking the milk from my breasts. I especially enjoyed when we were having sex and I would have a 'let down' and it would squirt all over us.

Now it has been 2 years since I quit nursing. So no more of that.
-Summer :D

BTW shouldn't this be in GenSexTalk.

Lilith 11-14-2002 01:52 PM


TonyWriter 11-14-2002 10:10 PM

Hi all,

I've never had any but it has been a looooong time fantasy of mine.


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