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Wicked Wanda 08-12-2019 08:46 AM

I've killed Pixies
In the past I remember posts of mine that seemed to kill certain threads.

This time I think I've killed Pixies.

:box: :rant: :( :ranting: :banghead:

It's never been my nature to be shy or quiet,



gekkogecko 08-12-2019 09:24 AM

No, you haven't. Pixies has been quiet for a while now; if anything, you revived a bit of it.

Teddy Bear 08-12-2019 02:07 PM

I agree with gg. Its hard for a bunch of 'low posters' to suddenly be the main posters. So you are just what we needed. I sometimes don't show up for days at a time but not much happens during that time. I know I've done more then my share of killing threads. But I've not harmed any pixies, I like them too much.

(WW) welcome back.

ps: who do you think you killed?

dm383 08-12-2019 05:05 PM

I'll 'third' TB and GG's comments.

It's very sad to say 'out loud' that Pixies-Place as we knew it is, essentially, dead already. It's extremely rare to have new threads of any description posted these days, and I honestly can't remember the last time a new thread was posted in Women's Pics.

Back in PFB days (pre-FaceBook) I recall logging in of an evening and finding at least THREE pages of new or updated threads, many of which were pics, plus at least one or two stories (which were how I found this place in the first place). Now, I can be away for a week or more, and there won't even be a full page of new or updated threads.

It's all very sad, but a sign of the times I'm afraid.


dicksbro 08-13-2019 01:10 AM

I'll be the fourth to tell you WW that you by NO means killed Pixies. Those of us who have stayed welcomed you and continue to do so. It's sad that a place that was so vibrant and fun to be at has lost so many members … often with no reason given. Sad, but I keep hoping that more, like you, will return and re-invigorate Pixies-Place. In fact, in the last year or so I've seen a number of "old Pixies" return (albeit not as frequently as we'd like) to say hello. I hope they'll be back again. Gotta' keep the faith and our hopes up so that this wonderful site doesn't disappear.

rabbit 08-13-2019 04:41 AM

Nonsense. You are one of the most amazing Pixies here. :x:

kleclere 08-13-2019 09:48 PM

WW I have left and come back and have noticed that not as many people are online. And even though it is a little disappointing it is still up to the people how are posting to keep the place alive. We are happy to have you posting as much as you have. And hope to see more.

Casperr 08-15-2019 06:00 AM

Nothing to do with you, WW! If anything you've breathed a little life back into Pixies recently!

It is sad that the great community we once had has now dwindled so much. Such is the way of the internet and social media, I guess.

But there's a bunch of us who still check in every now and then to see if anything's happening!

dicksbro 08-16-2019 01:09 AM

Good to see you, Casper. Been a bit, but we're always glad to see some of the old members return.

Casperr 08-17-2019 01:18 AM

Likewise good to see you mate! I'm usually checking in every few weeks to see what's happenin' :)

Belial 09-01-2019 09:48 PM

Hi WW and everyone!

dicksbro 09-02-2019 12:11 AM

G'day, Belial! Good to see ya! Pull up a chair and stay a spell. :thumbs:

Belial 09-02-2019 12:19 AM

Fun fact, I've been a member here literally half my life now :O

txgrneyes 09-23-2020 05:35 AM

Hello darling, how are you doing. Now that I have it on my phone I’ll stay a while. Missed each and every one of you.

Now if we know them personally. Reach out and drag them back. Let’s liven this place up.

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