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Lilith 08-30-2008 06:28 PM

For some it's nourishment, for some it's a chore, but for some of us it's an art form. I love food. I love tasty food and pretty food. I love sweet foods and savory foods. I love fancy foods and down-home foods. I love to cook it. I love to look at it. I especially love to eat it. I even love to read about it. I have spent summers checking out cookbooks at the library. I am a foodie.

I beat myself up all the time about my love affair with food but the truth is it pleases me. It's as sensual an experience as is sex for me. Often I express my feelings with food. If I love you, and you visit me I will spend weeks planning just the right thing to cook for you. Not to impress you but to please you. Am I a culinary submissive?????? :p If we go out to eat I will try to pick the perfect place, or the perfect dish, or the perfect drink, to express how I feel about our relationship, or my mood, or a point I am trying to make.I love when food is presented beautifully and it tastes as good as it looks.

I'm a big girl and it causes great distress because it inhibits my urges to delve into this art with the gusto that I would if I were not. I wonder how many of you love food. I don't mean just any food, or that you just love to eat. I mean you love the world of culinary delights. That good cheese makes you weep with joy. Or that you actually rate a wing place by the quality of their blue cheese and crudites.

Well this thread is for us. Here we shall revel unashamedly. Pease post recipes, links to restaurants, pics of beautiful presentations, whatever you want to share that is food related. BTW Neige's tea eggs link was what inspired me to really start looking into foodie blogs so when I can't fit out the door blame her.

Lilith 08-30-2008 06:34 PM


This was where Scarecrow, Mr. Lil and the ladies had lunch one day. I ate the Tuscan Bread Bowl Salad. It was so incredible. I had not had white balsamic before and am now in love. The tomato trio consisted of ripe red, delicate yellow and grape tomatoes. Heaven.

Fangtasia 08-30-2008 06:47 PM

Originally Posted by Lilith
If I love you, and you visit me I will spend weeks planning just the right thing to cook for you. Not to impress you but to please you

OMG....assuming you love me *L*...I'm not eating for a week before i come visit you LMAO

Lilith 08-30-2008 06:53 PM

Ask Oldfart. I already know where I will take you for lunch http://www.foodgloriousfood.com/index.html

I've never been and I'm waiting for the 'just right' reason to. You would be the 'just right' reason.

Fangtasia 08-30-2008 06:59 PM

Ooooooo now that looks great. Best get to saving them upover pennies eh :D

Scarecrow 08-30-2008 07:23 PM

Originally Posted by Lilith

This was where Scarecrow, Mr. Lil and the ladies had lunch one day. I ate the Tuscan Bread Bowl Salad. It was so incredible. I had not had white balsamic before and am now in love. The tomato trio consisted of ripe red, delicate yellow and grape tomatoes. Heaven.

I had the Kentucky Hot Brown and it was as good as it sounds. And I hope you noticed that Mr Lil and I went with the ladies, not to see some stone markers in a row.

Salacious 08-30-2008 08:42 PM

Oh my... what a delicious find. I hope to see expansion in the thread and not my waistline.

I love food too. Read cookbooks for pleasure and take joy in preparing a meal when I know it's going to be appreciated. Will make special efforts to show my love with food as well.

The first thought that came to mind was the film and book... Like Water for Chocolate. A fabulous story surrounded with food and just as much about food as it is about love and life.

A recreated recipe from the film, which I admittedly have yet to try but so wish to is for the Rose Quail. In searching for the recipes I happened across this and just need the right opportunity to give it a go...


My husband and I recently made a delicious dinner by adapting the recipe for quail-in-rose-petal sauce found in the novel Like Water for Chocolate. The book gives the ingredients, but doesn't tell how to make it. We used chicken instead of quail and changed some of the other ingredients, and figured out on our own how to put them together.

1/2 dozen red rose buds
1/2 cup of slivered almonds
2 garlic cloves
2 tablespoons of butter
2 tablespoons honey
2 tablespoons cornmeal
2 tablespoons anis

Chop the roses into small pieces and grind in blender with the almonds and garlic. Melt the butter and add honey. Stir the rose, garlic and almond mixture into the honey and butter. Add the cornmeal and anis. The mixture will be a thick paste. Use a spoon to spread onto the chicken. Bake the chicken as usual, basting if the coating gets too dry. The rose petals and anise will infuse the chicken with wonderful flavor.

Use additional rose buds or petals as a garnish when presenting the chicken.

After we ate we watched the movie based on the book for an unforgettable romantic evening.

Now that does sound wonderful. The idea of pairing it with the film even more romantic and sensual.

The next thing that popped into my head was my two favorite food blogs:

1. The Domestic Goddess
2. Orangette

Oldfart 08-31-2008 03:51 AM

Originally Posted by Scarecrow
And I hope you noticed that Mr Lil and I went with the ladies, not to see some stone markers in a row.

Errm, cough, DB and PF and I either went on a male bonding, spiritual exercise plumbing the immeasurable sadness of the war, or tripped over more tablets than than a PEZ factory.

scotzoidman 08-31-2008 09:01 PM


gekkogecko 09-01-2008 09:36 AM


Salacious 09-01-2008 11:07 AM

This morning I happened across this and thought of Lilith, foodies, Pagen Fest... oh fuck ... PIXIES!

Burning Man: A foodie heaven

Know that although the article is dated the experience known as Burning Man isn't.

Neige 09-04-2008 07:58 AM

Originally Posted by Lilith
BTW Neige's tea eggs link was what inspired me to really start looking into foodie blogs so when I can't fit out the door blame her.

Suuuure, it's always my fault. :p:p:p

I like to call myself an amateur foodie. Certainly I love food and eating and cooking and playing in the kitchen... but I've met a few people who are such better foodies than me that I don't really dare place myself in the same category.

I do have a slight addiction to food blogs though. :D Salacious I used to like Orangette - and indeed I think it was she who first got me so addicted to the blogs - but in the past year I find she's become less interesting, somehow. (Her husband sounds like my kinda man though, with his vinegar collection! :D) I have made this recipe for pickled red onions repeatedly though - they are absolutely fantastic. I've made the Domestic Goddess's cream of asparagus soup and it was delicious... I also have her roasted pumpkin soup recipe bookmarked and I'm hoping to make it this fall!

Nowadays, I think my favourite blog is Roots and Grubs. Amster has experience as a food critic (and he likes to write about his daughter Iris). Other blogs I enjoy as well are Chocolate & Zucchini (which is awesome 'cause it's got a French version too!) and Ice Cream Ireland. :D

Neige 09-04-2008 12:24 PM

w00t!!!!!! I am now the proud owner of a brand spankin' new cast iron skillet!! :D I will use it to make steak for my man tonight for supper!!!!!! :D :dance:

scotzoidman 09-05-2008 09:00 PM

Originally Posted by Neige
w00t!!!!!! I am now the proud owner of a brand spankin' new cast iron skillet!! :D I will use it to make steak for my man tonight for supper!!!!!! :D :dance:

Make sure you season that skillet well before you toss that steak in there...else, the menu may change to shredded steak fajitas...

rabbit 09-05-2008 09:03 PM

One of my favorite BBQ restaurants in the whole wide world - Shorty's BBQ in Miami. Been going there since I was a kid.

Shorty's BBQ

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