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dm383 07-22-2007 11:06 AM

Wanna see...........
5 Attachment(s)
... the area I work in?

I took a wheen of photo's a couple of weeks ago for one of our Consultants (Psychiatrist) for a presentation he was due to give on our catchment area.

Given that they are properly copyrighted to yours truly, I'm at liberty to post some (or all!) and wondered if anyone would be interested in seeing one of the more deprived areas of our fair city.

These first ones are "tasters" ~ first two are the Post Office round the corner from our office; 3rd is self-explanatory; 4th is the row of boarded-up houses (well, most are) behind me as I took '3', and last is what used to be a pub, many years ago.

One of my clients had his wedding reception in there, in 1973!

Let me know what you think - and if you want to see more.


jseal 07-22-2007 11:28 AM


Balck & White works for these ...

Thank you.

LixyChick 07-23-2007 05:27 PM

They're cool dm! I always love to see new places (places I've never seen). TY for sharing!

Oldfart 07-23-2007 06:21 PM

Was the first building max security for any particular reason?

dm383 07-25-2007 02:55 AM

Originally Posted by Oldfart
Was the first building max security for any particular reason?

Yep..... it's a Post Office in Possil!! :) Seriously, it's because the local neds have gone in through the roof more than once in the past - the roof is now solid steel, or so I heard!

Some more?

dm383 07-25-2007 03:11 AM

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OK, here goes. (I took over 70 shots that weekend btw - but I won't inflict all of them on you, promise!!)

Not too much to say about these, really. I don't know how high apartment buildings get in the US, but these go as high as 32 storeys...... until not too long ago, they were the highest in Europe.


Lilith 07-25-2007 03:19 PM

Wow. I'd be terrified to live that high up.

IowaMan 07-25-2007 03:59 PM

Great pics. I'm not really good with heights myself, actually got a bit dizzy looking straight up that one building. :eek:

dm383 07-26-2007 07:52 AM

5 Attachment(s)
Originally Posted by Lilith
Wow. I'd be terrified to live that high up.

It terrifies me having to go up there........ but because of some of the people who live there, rather than the height!

Originally Posted by IowaMan
Great pics. I'm not really good with heights myself, actually got a bit dizzy looking straight up that one building.

Sorry 'bout that! These next ones don't have anything like that!

The first three - there was a French tightrope walker attempting to wire-walk between the two tower you can see, plus another out-of-sight behind them, this past weekend. Sadly, he didn't manage it, due to the high winds.

Of the latter two, the first is of lower (15 floors) tower blocks all in a row, with the railway line in front, and the second is of a near-derelict row of houses near our office. The sad thing about these is, they were all renovated only 3 or 4 years ago - now, they're due to be demolished.


These mark the last of the first "batch" of pics I took - if interest is shown, I'll post some of the next lot. Be warned though, they are quite depressing. (Well, I think so, anyway)

dm383 07-26-2007 08:10 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I missed this one. Kind of a 'landscape' thing going on with this, and maybe a little too enthusiastically 'cropped' into the bargain.

The 3-pronged tower on the left is the clock tower of a, now closed, hospital called Ruchill. There are 4 wards left on the site, which are regular targets for local vandals and assorted neds.

Little feckers.


Lilith 07-26-2007 08:21 AM

Very beautiful pics DM.

WildIrish 07-26-2007 10:06 AM

Great pics! I love the panoramic one! Thank you.

IowaMan 07-26-2007 10:07 AM

That panoramic shot is great DM! :thumb:

dm383 07-29-2007 07:28 AM

Thanks, folks.

The panoramic shot seems liked; unfortunately, that was the only one I took! I still have a selection of over 40 shots to look through, though, so I'll sort some more out and post them soon.


sodaklostsoul 07-29-2007 09:21 AM

Very cool pics DM!

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