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Cheyanne 10-17-2006 07:12 PM

Spanish Naughty Word Help
I know that a few peeps know that I received a promotion where I work and am now the technology person. I am responsible for all of the technology in our district. Including but not limited to being in charge of students inability to access inappropriate web sites. :sad:

I need some assistance from our Spanish speaking members. We have an increased population of Hispanic students who have the ability to get around all of our filtering devices and software by typing in Spanish for their porn searches. :curse: :banghead: and they share those words with other non-Hispanic students. Short of shutting our net access down, I need to do something.

I do have the ability to set up filtering for this, however I do not know any Spanish. I have asked our ESL teacher as well as our Spanish teacher to help me with this, but they aren't too terribly forthcoming to tell me the really dirty words that I need (like fuck, pussy, tits, cock, any keyword used to try to find porn or adult sites in Spanish) I have also asked a couple of our Hispanic Teacher Aides, and they claim they don't understand what I want and they don't want me to tell the the English words for translation.. :(

Can anyone help me?

Cheyanne 10-17-2006 07:15 PM

I need to ad that I have done a google search after changing my language preferences to Spanish for porn sites and have found 27,800 Spanish porn sites.

Lilith 10-17-2006 07:57 PM


Loulabelle 10-17-2006 09:23 PM


This may help you. Just type in the word you're looking forward and hit English to Spanish.

Oh and might it also be a good idea to do the same in Portuguese? Not sure how many of your Latin students may have Brazilian roots....

Jude30 10-17-2006 10:15 PM

Chupes mi chichis=suck my tits

Mi verga es mereno=my dick is black

Come mi vagina=eat my pussy

Who said South Park isn't good for anything?

I'm still trying to figure out why the word for dick is female. The first season of South Park those sentences were written on Mr. Hands black board and my friend from Equador died laughing when she saw them.



Booger 10-17-2006 11:16 PM

I could give you a long list verbaly but you know my spelling in english I wouldn't even want to try to spell spanish words. I can give you a couple quick ones right now and I'll try to remeber to ask the one guy at work if he can write down a list for me.

joto is whore
and as Lilithe siad puta is pussy

Oldfart 10-18-2006 12:50 AM

I thought puta had a harder edge than just pussy.

Lilith 10-18-2006 04:45 AM

I used to have a friend whose fave curse was "puta de los barrios" ghetto whore

WildIrish 10-18-2006 07:38 AM

It would suck to have to type in every friggin word that may bring inappropriate images up onto the screen, but here's an online dictionary of bad Spanish words.

There are links to other languages as well...in case you have any "Zulu" students too. :p

wyndhy 10-18-2006 07:47 AM

here's another alternative dictionary.

good luck, chey. i just wanna say i think it's crappy you can't get any help from anyone at the school.

Cheyanne 10-18-2006 04:49 PM

LOL!!!!!!!!!! You guys are awesome! I will utilize what you have given me... :D I have typed words into a dictionary that is supposed to translate, but much of what I received wasn't correct.. rofl!!! The alternative dictionary with other languages is pretty good. I have some students typing in german & french as well and that will come in handy.

It isn't so much that the ESL and Spanish teacher won't help me, they are very hesitant to write/type this stuff down for me for fear of getting in trouble. We have had issues with another staff member, and they don't want to have issues like that person did. No matter how I assure they they won't, they aren't comfortable and I don't blame them actually.

dicksbro 10-18-2006 06:22 PM

I can see where that alternative dictionary could come in very handy. :D

rabbit 10-18-2006 08:30 PM


ShadowDancer 10-19-2006 04:40 PM

MERDE--"shit" in french

the one curse word my french teacher taught us....

Jude30 10-19-2006 09:59 PM

I thought mere was shit in French because "mange mere" is eat shit.

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