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Wicked Wanda 06-10-2006 12:39 PM

I think this happens to all of us (women) at one time or another. At a friends on night, after a nice long hot bath, I stopped and looked at my nude body in a full length mirror, and fixated on a particular part of my body. I was fascinated, like I had never really looked at them before, even though I had many times. It is hard to explain, and might even be a XX thing. My friend came out of the bath and asked if I was alright, so I must have had quite the look on my face.
I was looking at my breasts. I explained what I was doing, and she joined me in front of the mirror and compared boobs.
Mine are small, firm, roundish, with small (dime sized) bright red nipples.
Hers are much fuller, softer, and slightly pear -shaped, with large, pale nipples. We giggled and laughed, argued about taste and responsiveness, ( OK both of us have sensitive nipples), then discussed warmth, "wiggliness" and whether hard sucking was better than biting or tongue and nipple play.
This conversation quickly ended with us back in bed.
Afterwards, we compaired names for breasts. Here is the list, with our personal preferences.

Tits, titties (her favorite) teats, boobs, (my usual, but not my favorite, see puppies below) breasts, bust, hooters, girly pillows (!) fun cushions, yabos, bosum, perkies, chest, knockers, jugs, bazoomers, bee bites (mine are at least a LITTLE bigger than that) Blouse bunnies, pair, biscuits, dunes, balloons, headlights (and mine are on "bright" all the time, especially in the cold) fog lights, hummers (mmmmm) air bags, apples, peaches (goes with my "peach pussy", I guess) cones, cookies, chee chees, chubs and chubblies, avacodos, ear warmers, cans, cock cushions, dick massagers, melons (I wish) "rack" muffins, "zippies" cupcakes (to nibble on of course) "twin guns" (only a man would come up with that one) "chewables" (I sort of like that one) "fried eggs", mounds, "moveable feast" mole hills, "chesticles", jubblies, and then there are "famous" ones, "Bert and Ernies", "Ben and Jerries", "Pointer Sisters", (me again), "Thelma and Louise", babaloos, "shock and awe" and Amazons, boobage, "Sams" bazongas" gongas, goobers, blimps, bigguns, bouncing betties, "the girls" boulders, "crowd pleasers" (Mardi Gras comes back to haunt me) water bottles, bumpers, pistols, guns, dagmars, dadas, (?) radio dials, "left and right" floaters and water wings, "front porch" "dual awnings", "grillwork" hammocks, hand warmers, "tongue tools" udders, "Hershy Kisses" ho hos, zoomers, Yougos, honkers, "heat seekers" cherries, milk shakes and shakers, nipple mounts, pom poms, "signage" "black eye makers" taters, "lunch" "breakfast" and of course "dinner", "ruby reds" (me again), avacodos, Robertas, "frankie and johhny" The OMG Mountains, stacks, spuds, taters, "ATMs" (?) ta tas, tomato, "cold air/water indicators" TomToms, twin peaks, unidentifed bouncing objects, water balloons, and finally, "snuggle puppies" and Puppies (my fave, 'cause mine always like taken outside to be nuzzled, let free, licked, petted, and played with).

If anyone wants to add to this silly list, have fun!!!!


WildIrish 06-10-2006 01:05 PM

I'm sorry...I kinda got dizzy after thinking of you two comparing boobies. Especially after that part with the large, pale nipples.


Salacious 06-10-2006 01:15 PM

My friend is fond of the term "rack" so one time I made her an award for the tannest rack I'd ever seen! She laughed so hard. Damn to be young with a nice rack again. ;)

I call them boobs or tits.

scotzoidman 06-10-2006 01:22 PM

Took me a couple minutes to recover from WW describing her boobies as well...

Can't think of anything you missed...well, there's also "yayas"...& a couple of addendums to two, "jugs" can also be "milk jugs", & "ta tas" are often described as "bodacious"...

& of course, I like to just look & say "nice pair"

PantyFanatic 06-10-2006 02:45 PM

…..Blouse bunnies…..Chesticles….

New ones to me :D and I luv em :boobs:

Pita 06-10-2006 02:59 PM

Great post Wanda! I call mine, "The Girls" :boobs:

Gerda 06-10-2006 05:27 PM

Originally Posted by WildIrish
I'm sorry...I kinda got dizzy after thinking of you two comparing boobies. Especially after that part with the large, pale nipples.


What does your avatar stand for?

WildIrish 06-10-2006 06:39 PM

Originally Posted by Gerda
What does your avatar stand for?

It's a guy on his knees. He's licking the heavenly moisture that's leaking from her puswah onto the ground.

Pita 06-10-2006 06:46 PM

Originally Posted by WildIrish
It's a guy on his knees. He's licking the heavenly moisture that's leaking from her puswah onto the ground.

And what a good boy he is too!:hot:

WildIrish 06-10-2006 07:09 PM

:jacques: :D

Winston77 06-10-2006 09:42 PM

Call them anything you would like just don't call them late to my mouth

Soundman 06-11-2006 11:00 PM

I have a friend who calls them "Thelma and Louise". I'm not sure which one is which!

Mercury_Maniac 06-11-2006 11:13 PM

Originally Posted by WildIrish
I'm sorry...I kinda got dizzy after thinking of you two comparing boobies. Especially after that part with the large, pale nipples.


i hear ya there!

the part i wanted to hear about was where the conversation ended and they went to bed.............I wanna know what happened in bed :D

AngelicVampires 06-11-2006 11:13 PM

I've always had a strange fondness for the term "breasticles"...lol

Loulabelle 06-12-2006 01:48 AM

Originally Posted by WildIrish
I'm sorry...I kinda got dizzy after thinking of you two comparing boobies. Especially after that part with the large, pale nipples.


I didn't know anyone liked pale nipples! I'm happy because mine are getting darker and more defined (but thankfully not bigger at this point!)

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