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ILikeItRough 04-06-2006 02:21 AM

what the motherfuck grrrrrrrrr
sry, just need to rant.. sorry if its cliche or offends anyone

Ya know what bugs the shit out of me? like really really bugs the shit out of me??


what the fuck, seriously.

i was just watchin the news and they did yet another study that proved that it was genetic, and not always a choice. There was a couple who had twins and one room was all barbies and stuffed animals, the other room was all g.i. joes.... they were both boys tho and they were like 7. the boy with the barbie room even had his nails painted really cool.

so wouldnt that make the laws against gay marraige DISCRIMINATION?????

It is. They have all kinds of reasons for backing up their decision to ban gay marraiges. Theyll say "Its wrong" "Its a sin" "Because men and women are supposed to get married and reproduce and they cant do that if theyre gay" "because then their children will grow up and be gay" etc, you name it.

1. Who was the right to decide whether or not its "wrong"? I believe thats a personal opinion.
2. Maybe its a sin in some religions and cultures, but most of the world either supports or even encourages homosexuality. Just not this country...
3. Who has the right to decide that men and women are "supposed" to be married and reproduce.
-What about the couples who cant have kids? No one tells them not to get married, if thats the case.
-If they want kids they can adopt. There is an increasing amount of gay couples adopting kids and i think its great, its showing some progress.

I have really strong feelings on this issue and i really hope to see things change for the better. Like ive said before, if you can marry your cousins in the south, you should be able to marry a person of the same sex if you love them. Why cant some people be happily married just because they both have the same sex-organs?????

I have a feeling this will all change one day. There were laws against black people way back when but now everythings pretty much smoothed out, right?

In my opinion, i think all of the laws against gay marraiges and all of the homophobia is all becuase people are all gay and dont wanna admit it! why else would they get so nuts about it??

ANyways, i think if a gay couple can live together, adopt kids together, and claim the other as a dependent... why cant they sign the paper saying theyre married?

i should pretend to be gay so i can feel more entitled to be pissed about this subject.

Im tired its like 330am im goin to bed now. sowwy.

Loulabelle 04-06-2006 03:09 AM

Originally Posted by ILikeItRough

2. Maybe its a sin in some religions and cultures, but most of the world either supports or even encourages homosexuality. Just not this country...

Not in YOUR country, you mean!

Why oh why oh why do people have such a hard time remembering that this is an INTERNATIONAL message board....hell, the site was originally hosted in Britain!

I agree with you entirely on all of the points you made about homosexuality, but please....I hate it when people assume that the whole of this board are Americans and that we all live in America. If America wants to know why they're so unpopular in the rest of the world at the moment, this is why. The assumption that they are the only Nationality on the planet pisses the rest of us off!!!!!!!!!

No offense to you personally, ILikeItRough, I've seen loads of Americans do it here and your post was just the straw that broke the camel's back!

Sorry for the hijack...on with the debate on homosexuality.....

Oldfart 04-06-2006 03:38 AM

It's a fact, cold and hard, that people react to things that upset them.

Homophobia, American cultural imperialism, the fact that Wagon Wheel biscuits are now less than a hubcap, bad movie sequels or whatever.

We're grown-ups here, after a fashion, so we'll probably just agree it's upsetting and get back to serious pixie-ing.

Not belittling your rant.

Lilith 04-06-2006 04:54 AM

Ilikeitrough~ I can understand your frustration.

Loulabelle~ while you are absolutely correct that this is a internet forum board that has a variety of members from all over and that should be taken into consideration when making posts, it does have an overwhelming population of American members. Always has, even when it was hosted in England the primary make up of the board was American,then UK,then Canadian, then Australia. While I can understand your point, not every member may realize where everyone is from especially when the large majority of members are from the US. I would suggest you may want to start a thread to discuss your feelings about American ethnocentricity.

That I am aware of, homophobia is not just an American problem. I have spoken to quite a few people from many areas of the world and it seems there are people who suffer from it, in many of those places.

jseal 04-06-2006 05:15 AM


Yes'm. It is a real, long term problem. No doubt aout it.

maddy 04-06-2006 05:41 AM

Society as a whole determines what is socially acceptable. I make no attempt to define society, and would argue that you have small societies that are parts of larger ones.

It's also not socially acceptable to be fat and that's not fair either. Not to go to another topic, but homophobia is not the only thing that people are prejudiced against. People have a lot of hangups, opinions, values, etc. Unfortunately the US, nor any other country that I am aware of is a utopian society. That's what dreams, fairytales, and theory are reserve for.

kathy1 04-06-2006 07:11 AM

Ok, so here's my own personal bitch-n-moan on the subject. Being bisexual, a lil taste of this, that, or the other is jessssst fine me. Now someone please explain to me why some men think it's just fine and dandy for two women to be together but not two men? And why is it that some bisexual women want nuffin to do with men who are bi? Now I'm not talking about personal preferance and that sort of thing. Everybody has the right to enjoy what they enjoy and leave be what they don't. But why would they get so "eww and ick" about the other half of the coin? I'm mystified.....yet again.

gekkogecko 04-06-2006 09:58 AM

Originally Posted by Lilith
(snip) homophobia is not just an American problem. I have spoken to quite a few people from many areas of the world and it seems there are people who suffer from it, in many of those places.

Yes, but mostly the people who suffer from homophobia are the people who are the victims of such bigotry.

ILikeItRough 04-06-2006 12:57 PM

Originally Posted by Loulabelle
Not in YOUR country, you mean!

Why oh why oh why do people have such a hard time remembering that this is an INTERNATIONAL message board....hell, the site was originally hosted in Britain!

I agree with you entirely on all of the points you made about homosexuality, but please....I hate it when people assume that the whole of this board are Americans and that we all live in America. If America wants to know why they're so unpopular in the rest of the world at the moment, this is why. The assumption that they are the only Nationality on the planet pisses the rest of us off!!!!!!!!!

No offense to you personally, ILikeItRough, I've seen loads of Americans do it here and your post was just the straw that broke the camel's back!

Sorry for the hijack...on with the debate on homosexuality.....

omg im so sorry!! i didnt even think of that! *is embarrassed*

lol... and THATS why were so unpopular??? i can think of a ton of other reasons for people to not like us lol.

ILikeItRough 04-06-2006 01:07 PM

i was talking to my mom about this and she just said "things will change... they always do, interracial marrages used to be illegal but that got fixed. give it time." (In the u.s. that is...)

hope shes right.

i still hate how New Jersey had a governor come out and announce he was gay but he still opposes gay marraige.

im not a lesbian... maybe bi but im not sure..... but this issue seriously drives me up a fucking wall.

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