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-   -   the jeep didnt make it , (http://www.pixies-place.com/forums/showthread.php?t=26528)

nikki1979 10-17-2005 02:58 AM

the jeep didnt make it ,
but at least my husband did, yesterday as he was driving to work to leave for a deployment, it was really foggy and crappy out one min he was on the road the next he was rolling down the 8 foot hill and into the poor farmers field, he WALKED out, he has a skull fracture and a concussion , several cuts n bruises n scratchs but all n all he is EXTREAMLY sore, but he will be fine, the jeep is totalled , i cant even start to list everything wrong with it, *sigh* bad weekend

Lilith 10-17-2005 04:24 AM

I'm so glad he's ok!

dicksbro 10-17-2005 04:41 AM

Sorry Nikki for the bad weekend, but, like Lil said, I'm glad he's ok. Take a hug and our best wishes. :hug:

jseal 10-17-2005 05:12 AM


Sorry to learn that you had such a rough weekend, but I'm glad that your husband is OK. Hang in there!

Oldfart 10-17-2005 06:27 AM

Jeeps are easier to replace than husbands (mostly).

sodaklostsoul 10-17-2005 07:05 AM


PantyFanatic 10-17-2005 08:01 AM

...skull fracture....
a concussion ...
several cuts n bruises n scratchs ...
EXTREAMLY sore ...

OK? :confused:

Well,.................. I'm happy he came out better than the jeep. Please keep us posted. :hug:

wyndhy 10-17-2005 08:21 AM

glad to hear he's alright!!

gekkogecko 10-17-2005 09:31 AM

At least it was "only" the jeep , and not the husband, that was totalled... :x:

Aqua 10-17-2005 11:38 AM

Add my name to the list that is thankful Jeeping fared much better than the jeep. :hug:

WildIrish 10-17-2005 03:03 PM

Jeepers! What luck!

Good luck that is! I'm glad he's only banged up a little and will be ok.

Steph 10-17-2005 05:22 PM

Holy heart attack! When I saw the thread title, I thought you were referring to Jeeping!!!!

That sucks about the jeep, nikki. Thank God he's OK, though!!!

LixyChick 10-17-2005 05:30 PM

Oh (((((((nikki)))))))...count your blessings and take from us all the strength you need to get through this tough time hun!

Out of the ashes...the Phoenix shall rise!

nikki1979 10-18-2005 02:15 AM

thank you all !! ya were thankiong god daily that he mad it , when the wrecker service got it yesterday , they called and said , "theres no way in hell he walked out of that , u have got to be kidding me" we had to spend 10 min reasuring them , i think im gonna run n take pics of it today. shall i post em if i do or is that a bit morbid?

osuche 10-18-2005 10:12 AM

Please post them!

And any accident that you walk away from is a good one. Send him kisses and hugs from us! :D

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