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ChinesePussy 07-21-2004 10:51 AM

Sometimes I hate being a Woman...Ah.....Ah...
I am sooooo mad today. I got all the plans for myself this weekend. And DOOM my period is coming so early.
My period supposed to come on the 27th something. All of a certain my period is coming a few days earlier than usual. I haven't have irregular period for a while. Ones a while my period is a bit mental. It happened to a lot of women like this, and I won't take any birth control pills for this. I don't want it.

so this weekend on Saturday, I plan to go a body check up , you know regular check up for the whole body including the virginal. Everyone should have the whole body check up for every year. Just for a healthy concerned. Now I have my period, I can not check everything . So I have to visit my doctor twice at least. Then I plan to go to the beach swimming on Sunday, coz this week is very warm, and you know I am living in Canada, is hard for me to find a warm weather that I can go to the beach

Now all my plans are ruined

I have to visit the doctor twice, and I can not go to the beach this weekend.

my period last up to 5 days or 6 days. I got my period today, it gona last until Sunday or Monday. I don't like Tampons.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I hate being a woman ..................... I hate it.

I really want to turn into transsexual now just for the good sake.

Lilith 07-21-2004 11:12 AM

((((((((((((((((((((( CP))))))))))))))))))))))

I have been alone with my husband like twice in 13 years and both times I got an early visitor like you have now. It is called "The Red Rule" amongst my friends. The rules states, if you have something planned, your period will interrupt it. Vacations, parties, sex, swimming, whatever it is , expect "The Red Rule" to come into play. Buy white pants or a white dress for any situations and *POW* Red Rule. :D

Your DR can still do the exam if you are near the end.

Steph 07-21-2004 12:24 PM

Yep, I was going to hit the beach today but Aunt Flo dropped by so I figured I'd postpone it. <sigh>

ChinesePussy 07-21-2004 12:29 PM

yah i hate it so much

but if i have period, i couldn't let him test my urine or stuff, coz last time my mom thought her period was over right? and then the doctor didn't know my mom's period wasn't over so he called her back just to double check with her, coz he said there is blood in the urine.

Sharni 07-21-2004 01:45 PM

Yep can relate to this hate being a woman thing...mine came a week early too...bastard damn things!!

Steph 07-21-2004 02:02 PM

CP, yep, you're best to schedule any exams for two weeks before your next cycle, IIRC. Good luck with our health care system!

Teddy Bear 07-21-2004 03:36 PM

Sometimes it does indeed suck to be a woman!!! But there are so many good things that outweigh the bad..... just the fact we can have multiple orgasms is a huge reason why it's great to be a woman!

It's too bad your weekend plans were ruined CP, it's happened to all of us. Brought on by excitement, sadness, worry, change in sleep or eating habits, any damn 'ole excuse to screw up our plans.

But lets turn this around and come up with a few reasons why it's good to be a woman.... I hear the sighs now, 'Mary Sunshine strikes again'. The way I figure it theres no way I can stop being a woman so I might as well make the most of it.

I gave one reason already but here's another...
After a night of hot sex your SO says 'damn woman, you are the greatest!!'

Anybody else.......

Lilith 07-21-2004 04:37 PM

Good thing about being a woman...... our softness...and ability to be comforting.

sweetlady 07-21-2004 05:28 PM

We are not told by society that we're not allowed to have or show feelings. We are free to laugh, to weep, to hug, to sing, to dance, and no one thinks we're gay or weak or foolish for it.

We are allowed to be more openly sensual. We can dress up in sexy clothing and show off our bodies more freely and publicly.

Popcorn 07-21-2004 09:41 PM

Chinese - do you live in a dorm or apartment with a bunch of other fem's? If so you early unexpected menses might be caused buy the phenomenon that fem's living in close groupings all begin to cycle together. Just a thought.

Lilith 07-21-2004 09:47 PM

LOL It happens to online places too. I think we are all on...At least the men know it will be safe to come out soon :p

ChinesePussy 07-22-2004 08:45 AM

thank you guys , thanks for making me feel like i am not the only one. yesterday i was depressed, today i am all right.

yeah i know, sometimes being a woman is soooooooooo dam good so much benefit we can get from any men when we want.hahahaha i am a bad girl. i must admit sometimes i use my beauty sexy look to use a guy. OK slap me if you want.hehehe men are so weak when it comes to Sex. he can be fooled by a sexy girl,hahahaha no matter how smart intelligent a man is , he always being dumb infront of sexy hot woman.hahaha Chinese people always say that. I think it is so true.

redbones 07-22-2004 09:41 AM

well...i feel for u.. but be happy that yours don't come for 2 weeks...
mines spot for 1 weeks and full blown for 1 weeks... talk about faustration...
ah tell u one thing my blow jobs has gotten better... :bj:

lakritze 07-22-2004 10:51 AM

Sweetlady has it right and thats the same thing that sucks about being a guy.You ladys are appreciated more than you think.But just to be safe,I'll keep my distance for a while longer. heh heh We have a long time family friend named Florence and sometimes she is called....you guessed it.heh heh

osuche 07-22-2004 01:40 PM

Hey, at least you *have* periods! I've been so stressed out with my job and my life that I hadn't had one in three months ~ until it came last week (while in Vegas on a very important meeting) ~ and it came with a vengence.... Cramps, torrential downpours, and all its glory. Trust me ~ regular is good ;)

Best thing about being a woman that I can think of ~ if you ask for help (nicely of course!) you get it more often than men do. And EVERYONE needs some help sometime. For instance, two weeks ago I had a 50 lb bag of sand that just HAD to be moved by my cute neighbor across the street. :D

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