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-   -   What are your thoughts on sex w/in family (incest)? (http://www.pixies-place.com/forums/showthread.php?t=21324)

JustSomeGuy 07-14-2004 03:26 PM

What are your thoughts on sex w/in family (incest)?
Before you answer, please read my post about what happened with my wife and I... http://www.pixies-place.com:81/foru...ead.php?t=21304

Then let me know what you think. I'm interested in hearing what you all think.


scotzoidman 07-14-2004 03:37 PM

well, it was a cousin...in some places, that's not considered incest, & it was mostly watching & lending a hand...so I would say it just barely counts as incest, at least on technical grounds...anything more would prob be something I couldn't approve of, but hey, that's just me...

rabbit 07-14-2004 03:50 PM

Originally Posted by scotzoidman
well, it was a cousin...in some places, that's not considered incest, & it was mostly watching & lending a hand...so I would say it just barely counts as incest...

I see no problem with you fucking your cousin....

...did I just say that???? :eek:


Aqua 07-14-2004 04:17 PM

Originally Posted by rabbit
I see no problem with you fucking your cousin....

...did I just say that???? :eek:


I think it would be wrong to have sex with your cousin... you should let me do it. :jester: :p

rabbit 07-14-2004 04:26 PM

Originally Posted by Aqua
I think it would be wrong to have sex with your cousin... you should let me do it. :jester: :p


Eros 07-14-2004 04:35 PM

I"m with Scotz...I wouldn't really call what happened 'incest'..maybe I'm wrong. Although I've got a cousin that's about a year older than me and incredibly gorgeous, not sure what I'd do if a similar situation presented itsself.

darogle 07-14-2004 04:47 PM

Marrying your cousin = bad
Getting a handjob from your hot cousin in the back of a van = :hot:

Loren 07-14-2004 09:57 PM

She's of legal age, a willing participant (no coercion) and there's no genetic risk. I can't see anything to call wrong.

Loulabelle 07-14-2004 10:01 PM

I'm pretty sure it's legal in my country to marry your cousin....can't say I've ever given it much thought though....I only have two cousins and they're both female so I can't imagine whether it would feel 'weird' to have sexual relations with a cousin - I imagine it would depend on how closely you were brought up together.

JustSomeGuy 07-14-2004 10:43 PM

Cool...thanks for the replies. Believe me, I NEVER thought I would face the issue of sex (in any form) with a cousin (although I had fantasized about it before...).

Oldfart 07-15-2004 10:16 AM

Let it be.

A helping hand is not technically incest, and to chase it will only make it so.

Incest has been dealt with here in depth.

The legal, emotional and genetic ramifications are all scary as all hell, which is where you'll

end up (figuratively) if you get caught.

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