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Irish 06-16-2004 11:09 AM

Redo operation
Just to let everyone know.If you remember,I had a Spinal Cord
Stimulator, put in my back,in Jan.It's hitting the WRONG spots &
has done nothing for the pain,that it was suppossed to aliviate.
I have constantly bitched to the pain clinic,that did the operation.
They called me yesterday afternoon & are going to redo it on Thurs.Just wanted everyone to know,that I will not be here Thurs
& won't be home from the hospital,until sometime Friday.They said
they couldn't redo it until Wentworth Douglass Hospital,let them
use the operating room!6 Mo?I know that they sent a bill for-
$30,10? to my insurance Co.Why pay that much & not get the
desired results? Irish
P.S.The squeeky hinge gets the oil!It's too bad,but if you don't bitch,nothing gets done!

LixyChick 06-16-2004 11:14 AM

Best wishes this go round Irish! I'll keep good thoughts for you hun!

Lilith 06-16-2004 11:19 AM

I'll be thinking of you...hope they are able to help!!!

Irish 06-16-2004 11:24 AM

Thanks Lixy!I'm not making excuses for them,but it's an intermittant pain.Some days,I have nothing,other days it's really
bad.It's hard to tell if they got it,sometimes for days! Irish
P.S.It's probably,just me,but since I stopped alcohol,I won't take
anything,that might influence my senses,so I won't even take
pain pills.I'd like to be rid of this,for that reason.I have even gotten up at night,because the pain gets so bad that I can't sleep!

wyndhy 06-16-2004 03:07 PM

(((hugs))) irish. i hope it's the "second time's a charm" for you.

Teddy Bear 06-16-2004 03:19 PM


Keeping you in my thoughts & prayers.

Hope all goes well this time. :)

Irish 06-16-2004 04:43 PM

For those interested,the Pain Clinics website,is: http://www.painintervention.com/When you get the website,just
click on Spinal Cord Stimulation & it will be explained,much better
than I could! Irish

jennaflower 06-16-2004 07:49 PM

((((Irish))))) PLEASE keep us posted... I will be keeping you in my thoughts... I pray for the most positive of results... that your back is pain free upon your return :)


scotzoidman 06-17-2004 11:52 PM

Good luck, Irish...looks like something I may need to look into myself...I've already got a TENS unit (an external stimulation thing), but haven't used it in a while, because I can't get it placed right...I can't reach between my shoulder blades, & nobody else in the house seems to be able to position it quite right...

cowgirltease 06-18-2004 12:15 AM

Good luck Irish. Yeah you have every right to raise hell. Make em do it right or get the damn thing out.

rockintime 06-18-2004 01:37 AM

I'm glad to hear that you got them to redo it. Irish, best wishes for excellent results for a great guy.

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