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Belial 12-09-2003 10:20 PM

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Alright, I know what people are talking about when they say "metrosexual", but...

Why the fuck would you use that term in the first place? To me, the obvious meaning that one should derive from the term is someone who fucks cities. I'm sure that with all the brainpower at Pixies, we can come up with something less..err...nonsensical? Yes, that's the word, nonsensical.

Forgive me, I'm just in a mood. >:( :p

Lilith 12-09-2003 10:26 PM


jennaflower 12-09-2003 10:27 PM

makes me think of people who only have sex in large city parks... LOL..

hexalite2001 12-09-2003 11:29 PM

ya rofl!!! it reminds me of the people having sex in subways or on a train.. metro.. yeah lol

Steph 12-10-2003 12:24 AM

I posted a thread a while back on an erotic dream I had with two metrosexuals. I actually love the term. It reminds me of a lot of guys I know - they dress well, wear moisturizer and have lots of hair products :)

CunningLinguist 12-10-2003 12:36 AM

Maybe they are called metrosexual becuase they get it on with the enitre city?

New english words are invented everyday, and the wonderful thing about english is that their literal meaning can be completely different than how it is used.

Like if you think about it cocksucker is defined by webster's as a mean despicable person, but in reality a cocksucker is a man's best friend.

Oh I hope I can say cocksucker. What is the vulgarity limit for these boards anyways? Any words that are forbidden?

Belial 12-10-2003 12:50 AM

Originally posted by CunningLinguist
Maybe they are called metrosexual becuase they get it on with the enitre city?

New english words are invented everyday, and the wonderful thing about english is that their literal meaning can be completely different than how it is used.

Like if you think about it cocksucker is defined by webster's as a mean despicable person, but in reality a cocksucker is a man's best friend.

Generally there should be some sort of relationship between reality and the word's literal meaning. Otherwise, we get words that are nonsensical. Cocksucker, in both meanings you mentioned relates in some way to the act of sucking cock; a despicable person sucks cock to unscrupulously influence another, a friendly person sucks cock purely to give pleasure.

Originally posted by CunningLinguist

Oh I hope I can say cocksucker. What is the vulgarity limit for these boards anyways? Any words that are forbidden?

Oh, my fucking word you can. Even complete arseholes like me can say any cunting word we like.

CunningLinguist 12-10-2003 12:57 AM

I've always thought cocksucker was used to belittle the man's masculinity like most other homosexual epithets.

I have also used it in traffic to denote that the person in front of me is probably too busy giving or recieving oral sex to know how to drive properly.

Maybe I am jsut jelous since it has beena good long time since I have ever recieved oral pleasure, and it may still be years to come before I recieve any again.

Belial 12-10-2003 01:32 AM

Originally posted by CunningLinguist
I've always thought cocksucker was used to belittle the man's masculinity like most other homosexual epithets.

Possibly that too, but it should really be a unisexual insult :)

Casperr 12-10-2003 04:30 AM

I went to an all-boys school, which was extremely homophobic. I always understood the term cocksucker to be an anti-gay insult, too.

Although I have heard it used by some 'uneducated' redneck misogynist men to describe women, in the same way that 'bitch' and 'slut' and 'cum-catcher' all refer to women. It's not even meant as an insult, when used by these people, it's more just a synonym for 'woman'. Pisses me off, tho.

BTW Belial - "can say any cunting word we like"??
So..... if the meaning of the word should be tied to its literal meaning, are you saying we can use any vaginal word we want? :jester:

And I'm not a fan of 'metrosexual' either. But then, I can't think of a better term for them. "Straight-girlie-men"? "Pansy Hetros"? "Powder-puff-men"?

Just words, in the end....

jennaflower 12-10-2003 09:04 AM

Originally posted by CunningLinguist
Maybe I am jsut jelous since it has beena good long time since I have ever recieved oral pleasure, and it may still be years to come before I recieve any again.

Surely it won't be that long :) Can I be a volunteer???

Irish 12-10-2003 09:22 AM

I was MAINLY a reciprocating(props) engine mechanic when I was in the Armed Forces.I went to Tech School for engines.(Lackland)
Tx.The truck that delivered the mechanics,to the returned airplanes,on the flight line,was called a METRO!It was the type that you usually associate with UPS.Different terms,mean many
things. Irish
P.S.As a reciprocating engine mech.,you can cross train to Jet
Engines.If you're a Jet Mechanic,you have to take a test,to show
that you have the mechanical apptitude(smarts)
The "Recip"shop & the jet shop were in the same bld!
Old dig---Would you rather screw,your way accross the country,or
BLOW your way accross?

lakritze 12-10-2003 12:54 PM

Yea,and while we are similar subjects,why would you say "FUCK YOU" to someone you are angry at?

Aqua 12-10-2003 01:04 PM

Originally posted by CasperTG

And I'm not a fan of 'metrosexual' either. But then, I can't think of a better term for them. "Straight-girlie-men"? "Pansy Hetros"? "Powder-puff-men"?

Just words, in the end....

Just words or not... my wife says I am metrosexual, (maybe cause I fucked alll the women is Seattle, I dunno :p ), but the first person to call me a powder-puff-man is gonna see me get all wookie on their ass and pull one of their arms out of it's socket!

Lilith 12-10-2003 01:05 PM

and then I'll beat them with it:p

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