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Lilith 10-26-2003 10:15 AM

[ l ] Stories [ l ]
How many of you came here because you found the stories? How many of you still read the stories? How often do you take the time to leave feedback for the stories you have read?

The stories are usually what draws people to this site. I think the people who take the time to write and share their stories should be commended for being so giving and open.

I just wanted to say thanks to all the people who have written stories to share with us and to thank those of you who support and leave feedback to those writers.

Steph 10-26-2003 10:30 AM

I came for the stories and haven't read them lately. I don't leave feedback like I should. Thanks for all the great stories (and thanks for the reminder, Lilith)!

daithi 10-26-2003 10:59 AM

Hi Lilith, First time Replier long time reader. I'd been reading Pixies stories a while before I registeres. The only reason I registered was because someone sent me a link to a thread and I couldn't read it otherwise. I still read the stores, they're amunition for my dreams.

I've never left any feedback because I never really thought of it.

I agree with the acknowledgement of the authors on here the stories are excellent and the local matress manufacturers are happy too because of the amount of times I've changed them due to the dreams fuelled by the stories.

FAIR PLAY to one and all!

Vullkan 10-26-2003 11:08 AM

I found this sight looking for the stories and to try my hand at it. Sometimes I will comment to the author. I just wish I had more time to write more stories

GingerV 10-26-2003 11:37 AM

Came for the stories, stayed for the people. I do still read, and got brave enough to throw some of my own scribblings into the mix. I know first hand how encouraging the feedback to be (and thanks again to everyone who send me some!!)...but shamefully don't leave it very often. My excuse is that my hands are often otherwise engaged by then....but it's not a good enough one when all you really need to leave is "wow" ;).

Thanks for the reminder Lil.

Sharni 10-26-2003 01:34 PM

I originally found this place via the stories....i do still read them....but not as much as i should...but when i do read one i always leave feedback

LixyChick 10-27-2003 06:15 AM

When I do have the time to get over to the stories (I have a regime of where to go and what to look at first) I do leave feedback! I haven't had much time lately (ok....for a long while now)...but I do get there from time to time and yes I do leave a note.........to at least say TY!

Casperr 10-27-2003 06:51 AM

I'm the odd one out, I guess - I didn't come for the stories at all. I found Pixies when I was looking for a place to post my pics, and then I discovered the Gen Sex forums and the rest.

I very rarely read the stories at all, to tell the truth. When i do I like to leave feedback, but it doesn't happen too often unfortunately.


NaughtyGirl 10-27-2003 07:55 AM

I did come to pixies for the stories and still read them. I admit though I don't leave feedback because I never really thought about it. I'll try to remember to leave feedback now!

Thanks to all the people who have contributed to the stories here..you're all great!

Oldfart 10-27-2003 08:02 AM

Hung about

Drawn to the stories

Quartered with good friends.

All punishment should be so bad.

BigBear57 10-27-2003 06:59 PM

I don't read the stories as I did when I first came in here but I am guilty as charged of not leaving a note. I'll do better. Now I guess I have to report to the dungeon. Woe is me.

Lilith 10-27-2003 07:00 PM

*laughs maniacally*^^^ has fallen into my trap:D

nikki1979 10-28-2003 11:43 AM

i came bc a friend sent me thae link to the stories LOL i got to perusing the site found the chat roomand stayed bc everyone here is so nice! luv u all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*blows kisses to all*


FussyPucker 10-28-2003 11:49 AM

I did come at first for the stories then I hit the chatroom and the rest is history lol

I did reply to some people's stories and of course I did have a little go at writting my own which is still floating about if anyone wants to read it..........errr look for the train ride.... or something like that.

fzzy 10-28-2003 08:03 PM

I came for the stories ... its still a big part of my being here .... I guess that has to do with my assigned task ... but then my assigned task got assigned to me (I think) cause that's my main area of interest .... though I do absolutely love the people of Pixies ... I often leave comments to the stories ... and can say that I love seeing comments made to my own stories ... made a lot of friends here in the process of reading, writing and commenting on the stories!!!

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