Pixies Place Forums

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Lovediva 09-20-2001 05:45 AM

1202 members??
Ok..I am going to do a little bitching here...so be prepared...lol

We have 1202 members here at Pixies as off 6:46 am (My time) this morning. With this amount of members the board should be just a big buzz!!

I have been to other forums with the same type of bulletin board (No where near as good as Pixies mind you!!) And there are less members and way more posts!! I have seen some places have 100 new threads a DAY and tons of replies...

Not that I don't love the people here..I do very much!! But it is always the same ones posting and replying! (I am one of them..LOL) You would think that with 1202 members alot more would post!!

WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!! Just don't sign up and not use your memberbship!!

KIM wants this place to be #1 on the net!!! So why not help her!!!
I am certainly doing my share...LOL...

And this one is for the WOMEN out there...PLease, Please...of you see a photo of a man....just don't sit there and drool....tell them will ya!!!!!
We all love compliments... so don't be shy LADIES...the pic will not bite you if you reply!!!!!

Once again I want to Thank Kim for doing such great job here..I love it here!!!

BUT WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!


m45 09-20-2001 08:10 AM

Diva has this one down........
Have been to others and they are no where near as good as PIXIES!
Many have what seem like mindless kids...
NOT here!!! This site has a lot of great folks..........
People with minds.
DIVA I hope you never go else where.
You are one that makes this site what it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And a hand full or two of others....


Lovediva 09-20-2001 08:20 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Like it or NOT...I am hear to stay!!!! :D

You are all stuck with me...LOL

m45 09-20-2001 08:36 AM

Stuck With YOU?
As Tony The Tiger would say.

Bilbo 09-20-2001 08:46 AM


Finn 09-20-2001 08:59 AM

right diva, i try the best i can also, but right now i have noone to take pics with :(

Pussy Willow 09-20-2001 03:12 PM

I also love pixies. And unlike other sites the people here don't
share a brain !!!!!

I like that I can have an intelligent discussion with someone,
and that it doesn't always have to do with sex.

(Although lately this HAS been my favorite subject)>

Glyndwr 09-20-2001 05:53 PM

Hi Guys

Ditto on all of the above, it is the sparkling wit and horny pics that keep me coming back.

TDK 09-20-2001 10:58 PM

YAY HAY!!!!!

Lovediva 09-24-2001 09:37 PM

Hey people!!! I was just told, by a certain member...that I talk to much on this board..and post to much...!!!
So just to let you all know.. I will not be saying ONE WORD for a whole week!!!!

LOL But they will not stop me from looking at the pics!!!:D

bogeyman 09-24-2001 09:55 PM

You are one of many that keep the place exciting...

Diva Baby!!! you can't hold back on us for a whole week... we need out Diva fix!!!

Don't Stop Diva!!! cum back!!!!!

Prophet Reality 09-24-2001 10:00 PM

Please don't torture us that way. I love to read your post. So whoever said that is out of their minds with jealousy.

TDK 09-25-2001 12:29 AM


I like Diva....she does good posts :) she also keeps part of the board ALIVE!!!!!

just tell us who that person is and we will sort them out :D

m45 09-25-2001 05:05 AM

Talk To Much
Diva Baby!!! you can't hold back on us for a whole week... we need out Diva fix!!!

I for another love you post and COMMENTS!!!

Someones is out of there mind all right...

just tell us who that person is and we will sort them out

Let us at'em................:p

uncutuk 09-25-2001 05:20 AM

Just found Pixies today,looks like a great site,I've posted already,c'mon everyone get posting your pics.....Steve xxx.

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