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Lilith 10-20-2003 06:14 AM

===>>Let Me Do That!!!!!<<===
I know I am risking never seeing some of you again, cause you will be too busy:D

Hands on cybersex:D

very slow loading but very worth the wait

Lilith 10-20-2003 06:19 AM

In case that wasn't enough to make you go completely comatose


jseal 10-20-2003 07:50 AM


THAT'S why broadband was invented!

WildIrish 10-20-2003 08:39 AM

Not bad, but it's missing that personal touch ya get here.

Steph 10-20-2003 09:55 AM

Wow, Dorothy Stratten was hot!!!

Oldfart 10-20-2003 12:56 PM


I've picked up the worst case of vertigo with that second URL.

nikki1979 10-20-2003 01:58 PM

ok i think ill just wait till thursday when my broadband gets installed


Bardog 10-20-2003 04:06 PM

Oh boy!!!!!
I have a new hobby!!!!

quisath 10-22-2003 06:52 PM

OMGGGGGGGGGGGG This is Awesome............... ahhhhhhhh I have to go now ...................... something requires my immediate attention :)

Scorp 10-22-2003 08:42 PM

good lord thank you! haha

jennaflower 10-22-2003 09:03 PM

ROFL... those were kewl :) Thanks

Sharni 10-22-2003 09:06 PM

They dont work for me...i click the pics but nothing happens :(

Lilith 10-22-2003 09:13 PM

hmmm I just checked and they are fine for me...they take a sec to load and turn solid white before the pic loads.

Navarre 10-22-2003 09:29 PM

They don't work for me either, even with my firewall and anti-virus disabled.

Lilith 10-22-2003 09:42 PM

sorry guys~ I don't know why they work for some and not others.

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