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Aqua 09-18-2003 05:29 PM

Y.M.C.A. in the village from the north
Once when me and a couple friends were driving down the street (quite a few years back... I was a teenager) I looked over to one friend and asked if he was one of the Village people, which one would he be. (This question was inspired by the YMCA we were driving past). I think he said the construction worker, and I chose the Native American. Our other friend who was in back must not have been listening to the conversation, 'cause when asked which Village Person he would be he replied...

Which Village? :rolleyes: :p

So..... Which Village person would you be... and why?

Cheyanne 09-18-2003 09:37 PM

OK.. where is IAKG???? And, is this Skip inspired??? LOL :dizzy:

(I always thought the construction guy was pretty sexy... so that would be the one I would choose... ;) )

Lilith 09-18-2003 10:47 PM

Police Officer~ He's got the cuffs

IAKaraokeGirl 09-19-2003 08:32 AM

Right here, Cheyanne. Amazingly, I never wanted to be a Village People member...just a groupie. :D

Sugarsprinkles 09-19-2003 10:45 AM

Would you believe when they first became popular I had no clue, never gave the possibility of them being gay a thought??? I can't believe I can be that naive sometimes.

Steph 09-19-2003 10:48 AM

I would not be a member . . . actually, I have a gym membership at the Y but that's as far as I'll go! :)

WildIrish 09-19-2003 10:54 AM

Probably the cowboy. I mean, who doesn't love a cowboy right?

Aqua 09-19-2003 12:02 PM

Right here, Cheyanne. Amazingly, I never wanted to be a Village People member...just a groupie.

IAK ~ Which one are you hottest for? That's the one I wanna be... ;)

BIBI 09-19-2003 01:25 PM

I would have to say that I would probably be............the village idiot :)

axe31 09-19-2003 03:43 PM

construction worker iwork in the industry and have got all the
gear to complet the outfit

Lilith 09-19-2003 04:16 PM

Originally posted by axe31
construction worker iwork in the industry and have got all the
gear to complet the outfit

<~~~~ would pay $$$$ to see that;)

BlondeCurlGirl 09-19-2003 10:28 PM

They are just too wacky...wouldn't wanna be one.

Irish 09-20-2003 05:40 PM

Aqua---You were a teenager once??I wouldn't want to be any of
them.Even before I knew that the were Gay,they always struck me as kind of efeminite!(word?) Irish

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