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-   -   B/f just came home kinda drunk . . . (http://www.pixies-place.com/forums/showthread.php?t=13199)

Steph 04-18-2003 01:02 AM

B/f just came home kinda drunk . . .
And I'm in the mood. He just fell into bed. Any suggestions on turning a drunk guy on? :)

The poor boy hasn't been partying in a while, his graduating class (film) just got together for a screening of their demo reels and he partied hearty.

Note: he's always in the mood so that part shouldn't be a problem. We took the dog out when he got home and he was weaving slightly.

If you were him, what would you like to see/receive right now?

denny 04-18-2003 01:14 AM

I think oral might be the ticket, good luck with your project there. I know I'm not very responsive in that particular condition. Go, girl, go.

Steph 04-18-2003 01:38 AM

Uh-oh, I'm getting sleepy . . . it might have to wait until the morning . . . I have a feeling he'll be celebrating graduation for a while so I'll have a chance to try oral on the drunk guy soon, denny!

Grumble 04-18-2003 08:26 AM

dunno if oral is a good idea if he is drunk Steph. he might lose control of his bladder.

I think let him sleep it off and use your toys.

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