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bm4all 04-17-2003 07:29 PM

Your thoughts on kids seeing bare breasts:
I'm working on a paper and wanted to gather some anonymous opinions:

What are your thoughts on kids seeing bare breasts (in particular, male kids 5-9):

kleclere 04-17-2003 08:14 PM

I think it is ok. In some countries it is a natural thing. It is a part of the human body, in Europe where it is different bare breasts are not seen as something bad like here in the states. The human body is beautiful and shouldn't be thought of as obscene or bad. Just my 2 cents.

bm4all 04-17-2003 08:18 PM

Well written!

I wish everbody would form such developed answers :)

I do not want to reveal my preference until after the poll is completed - to do so would confound the data.

Lilith 04-17-2003 08:25 PM

For me it's just a non issue. It's only a big deal if society makes it one and in the US it is.

denny 04-17-2003 08:29 PM

It should be as right as rain in our society but is not yet. In the US our puritan ethics conflict with this natural expression of ourselves. Other parts of the world have different mores as well and either tolerate or prohibit the practise. I'm headed to Fontana for the races this month, bet I'll see some!

bm4all 04-17-2003 09:16 PM

Wow! This is going far better than I expected.

To be honest, I am not suprised with the "enlightened" responses here. Let's face it .. this is a VERY liberal group :) [GOOD thing!]

I wonder how well this will bode in one of the "mom" forums :D

BigBear57 04-17-2003 09:17 PM

I had an gf staying with me for awhile and the kids saw her once or twice and I didn't think anything of it. I'd only be concerned if they saw sex. Seeing someone just out of a shower is no biggie. It happens all the time.

Flynn 04-17-2003 10:04 PM

Why is the female nipple evil in our country? Why is it that men can show the same body part--just because it doesn't serve the same function? Or, if it's not the nipple but breasts in general, shouldn't overweight men be forbidden to take off their shirts in public? And I say that as a guy who could stand to lose a few pounds.

In short, this is an issue that I feel shouldn't be one. Especially these days, with as much as is already on display on TV and the magazine rack. Then, as others have pointed out, seeing bare breasts in public doesn't seem to have turned Europe into a continent of serial rapists.

PantyFanatic 04-17-2003 10:07 PM

Why does your avatar and profile make me wonder about your paper.;) LMAO

I think we would be very interested to see those responses as well. If you do a “mom site”, please share the feed back.

Our Lilith is sage on this one for me.:cool:

Steph 04-17-2003 11:31 PM

I have to say, I'm surprised at my response - I'm sort of against it. Maybe it's because I don't have kids but had two young stepsons. Since they weren't my kids, I was vigilant in them not seeing me. Maybe I'd be different with my own. If I lived in Europe, I'd certainly feel different.

campingboy 04-17-2003 11:51 PM

Society generally dictates what is OK or acceptable. I grew up where it was generally not 'normal' for kids to see a females breasts.

Thankfully society has now allowed woman to nurse in public places. It allows the Mom to nurture her child in a very natural way.

Are breasts sexy? Yes. But almost any part of my lover is sexy when we are in the mood.

But then again it is not my body that is being seen, so the comfort level must depend on her.

Vigil 04-18-2003 12:10 AM

Denial is the root of obsession.

I'm from Europe - I couldn't understand why someone was asking this question from its title - until I read the responses.

Breasts are'nt genitals and frankly most europeans don't have an issue with their kids seeing non aroused or non pornographically depicted genitals. Why should you - thats the way we are?

dm383 04-18-2003 02:20 AM

Even my mum & dad (68 & 72 respectively) aren't bothered about bare breasts in {most} public places; my own take is, if kids DO see topless females, so what? Like folk have said, it's all natural, and I don't think any kids, even young boys, will bother about it if left to their own devices; it's only "Society"'s attitude to things that shape young minds, and if we cn change THAT.... well, the world might be a *little* bit nicer place to live!! :)


BlueSwede 04-18-2003 07:48 AM

I would have voted "no big deal," but for some reason when I try to vote, I'm told that I am ineligible. I breastfed both of my kids, and the older one (a boy) would often be present when I breastfed his sister. Seeing my breasts and seeing his sister being breastfed was no big deal. Both kids also saw their dad and me naked many times, such as when we'd get out of the shower. Like I said, I just don't see it as a big deal.

Grumble 04-18-2003 08:36 AM

I have no problem with my son or daughter seeing breasts.
It wont scar them for life will it. There was some huge debate about women breast feeding in public here lately and i just wonder how stupid that is. What is more natural than a mother feeding her baby. And how does she do it??? She put the baby to her breast and the baby sucks life sustaining goodness from her nipple.

I am pleased to say the public debate brought an 85% across the board response saying that a mother should be able to breast feed where ever the baby needed it.

The furore came about when a female member of the Victorian Parliament was forced to leave the chamber because she was breast feeding her child.

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