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Omniblade 03-05-2003 10:58 PM

Condoms (quick answer would be appreciated)
thanx in advance peoples I'm gonna go to bed in like an hour so I'm hopein to get an answer before then

if a condom comes off during sex and gets stuck inside how long should it be before it comes out naturally, or rather how long should you wait before you start to worry?

KrazyKU 03-06-2003 11:38 AM

Just put your fingers in there and get it out...dont wait to worry, just get the condom out. I have heard of some cases that she would need to go to the Gyno to get it removed. This actually happened to a girl my roommate was with. She just went in the shower and pulled it out. I suggest you try helping her.

Lilith 03-06-2003 01:22 PM

If it can not be removed then she needs to go to docs asap......I would suggest she go anyway considering she is now at risk for pregnancy and stds. The doc may have some good ideas/options to prevent the pregnancy at least (morning after pill).

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