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Brian_Watt 02-07-2003 03:19 PM

How do you prepare for sex??
When me and Nat get ready for a hot night, we take a shower and shave each other. Then when I get out of the shower, she "cleans" herself very good. then she puts on her robe with nothing underneath and gives me a great show.

Lets hear what everyone else does to get ready for a hot night of foreplay and sex

Lilith 02-07-2003 05:36 PM

Depends on the night..............

Long hot shower, shaving......want everything sexy smooth....... loofah, do my hair, fix my face, put on light lotion.......make sure my nails tips and toes are painted sexy, put on some thing lacey, sexy or even nothing.....light candles and wait til he finds me:p start without him if he does not hurry;)

FussyPucker 02-07-2003 07:05 PM

I shout "Brace yourself !!!!"

garman 02-07-2003 09:22 PM

I couldn't stop laughing when I read the posts - for my wife and I with 2 small kids, getting ready for sex first involves getting out our day planners, finding a day when we both have time off, the kids don't have dance, gym, soccer, piano lessons, ski lessons, etc. Then we need to find a baby sitter who will take the kids so we can grab a few minutes of quite time. Being spontanious means saying "Quick - lock the door - they are watching tv". The only candles we have used lately are on birthday cakes. :yellghst: :yellghst: :yellghst:

Lovediva 02-07-2003 10:26 PM

I am supposed to prepare??????

NOBODY TOLD ME THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!;) :D :p

scotzoidman 02-07-2003 11:47 PM

Diva, it takes at least a minute to rip each others' clothes off...I call that preparation, don't you?

Lovediva 02-07-2003 11:56 PM

Not if you always walk around naked Scotz!!!!!!!! :D :p

xanne 02-08-2003 11:11 AM

Get naked!! :D :D :D

CptMorgan 02-08-2003 11:24 AM

Well, when my wife comes looking for a little play, it does take a few seconds to get a full erection ... does that count?

However, when I go looking fo her, generally those few seconds have already taken place.

dm383 02-09-2003 07:58 AM

<<Old joke>>

Q. What's a Glaswegian man's idea of an aphrodisiac?

A. 12 pints of lager and a Vindaloo!!

Sorry, it just popped into my head there...... I'll just creep back inside the skirting board now, if that's ok..............

Tess 02-09-2003 08:03 AM

Can't remember, but I'm sure it's like riding a bicycle.

rabbit 02-09-2003 11:15 AM

Originally posted by garman
I couldn't stop laughing when I read the posts - for my wife and I with 2 small kids, getting ready for sex first involves getting out our day planners, finding a day when we both have time off, the kids don't have dance, gym, soccer, piano lessons, ski lessons, etc. Then we need to find a baby sitter who will take the kids so we can grab a few minutes of quite time. Being spontanious means saying "Quick - lock the door - they are watching tv". The only candles we have used lately are on birthday cakes. :yellghst: :yellghst: :yellghst:

Hahahaha...we can relate!!!


Lilith 02-09-2003 11:17 AM

Me too! Sometimes I get to get ready and sometimes I get enough time to lock the bathroom door:p

skipthisone 02-09-2003 10:34 PM

My SO gets ready the same way everytime, always a shower..if she is taking a shower in the evening i know its sex time, cause otherwise she showers in the morn.

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